Author Topic: Pontiac Astre  (Read 10914 times)

Offline Halli B

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2008, 04:28:41 »
Skjóttu žig :-&
1965 Oldsmobile F85 hardtop

Offline 70 olds JR.

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2012, 17:31:16 »
Žessi Bķll Var Mögulega Hjį Brynjari Į Kjalarnesi En Veit Einhver Hvaš Varš Um Hann
Fannar Örn Helguson
1983 Mercury Cougar 2-Door XR-7 (SELDUR)(fyrsti bķll)
1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass W30 462 CUI (550HP)
1979 Oldsmobile Cutlass Station 6.6L (403)

Offline Halli B

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2012, 19:34:00 »
held aš hann sé žar ennžį
1965 Oldsmobile F85 hardtop

Offline HK RACING2

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2012, 20:52:19 »
Nei žessi bķll er seldur,bśiš aš mįla hann raušan og versla svašalegan mótor ķ hann.....
Hilmar B Žrįinsson
Camaro SS 1970
BMW S2000 powered
Evo 7 rallż
Chevy Van 1978
Er aš rķfa Evo Corvette Camaro og fleiri...

Offline Moli

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2012, 21:33:56 »
Nei žessi bķll er seldur,bśiš aš mįla hann raušan og versla svašalegan mótor ķ hann.....

Snilld, hvaša mótor fer ķ hann?
Magnśs Siguršsson.
1971 Chevrolet Nova
1969 Ford Mustang 351W
1970 Ford Cortina į YouTube

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2012, 18:16:11 »
Žaš fer žokkalega sprękur 383 ķ hann  \:D/
En svona fyrst žessi umręša er komin aftur, veit einhver um frambretti į vegu eša jafnvel framstęšu komplett, heima eša śti ?
Arnar Siguršsson
Sķmi: 8234754

Pontiac Astre 1975
Legacy Outback
Lexus is300 turbo '03. Seldur
Mazda 323 '78 350 chevy. hent

Offline Moli

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2012, 19:56:33 »
Žaš fer žokkalega sprękur 383 ķ hann  \:D/
En svona fyrst žessi umręša er komin aftur, veit einhver um frambretti į vegu eša jafnvel framstęšu komplett, heima eša śti ?

Hérna er eitthvaš, bęši stįl og plast.
Magnśs Siguršsson.
1971 Chevrolet Nova
1969 Ford Mustang 351W
1970 Ford Cortina į YouTube

Offline asgni

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Re: Pontiac Astre
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2012, 20:07:28 »
Er bśinn aš senda žessum gęjum nokkur mail frį žvķ ķ sept ķ fyrra og sķšast nśna fyrir viku, ekkert svar fengiš enn  :-(
Arnar Siguršsson
Sķmi: 8234754

Pontiac Astre 1975
Legacy Outback
Lexus is300 turbo '03. Seldur
Mazda 323 '78 350 chevy. hent