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Fann IHRA 2008 reglubókina í pdf formi á netinu hér er hlekkur:
http://www.thundervalleydragways.com/Rules.html smellið á myndina af reglubókinni hægra megin á síðuni.
En svona er met-reglan hjá IHRA bls 135-136 í þeirra reglubók:
Record Setting ProcedureTwo passes are required within allotted time periods. One run must be under record, and
one must be a backup of at least 1% of sub-record time. Whenever a record attempt is
successful, the entry must report DIRECTLY to the Scales. In the case of ties for an ET
record, the participant who records the highest mph will be used to as a tie break for the
elapsed time record. If still a tie the competitor who establishes the record first will be
considered the record holder.
The competitor who holds the record at the conclusion of
competition shall be considered the “New” record holder and be awarded all related points.PRO RECORDS: Records may be set and backed-up by Professional entries during
qualifying or eliminations. Professional may set MPH and ET records independently.
Championship points do not accrue with MPH records.
SPORTSMAN RECORDS: Sportsman record and back-up runs are only allowed during
qualifying at Pro-Am Events and Record Meets. No Sportsman records established at
National Events unless advertised as a Record Meet. A driver can only set a record, for
a particular class, once a year unless that record is reset by another competitor. A
competitor may not set records in one car and race eliminations with another. Sportsman
MPH records must be set in conjunction with ET records only. No points will be awarded
for setting records.
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