Author Topic: Killacycle į klakanum  (Read 2938 times)

Offline Brynjar Siguršsson

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Killacycle į klakanum
« on: August 25, 2008, 15:15:12 »
Žaš er vķst aš koma öflugasti "electric" drag bike ķ heimi į klakan....

Hönnušur/Ökumašur hjólsins er fyrirlesari į žessari rįšstefnum

Helstu speccar um hjóliš:

0-60 mph (0-96 km/h): 0.97 seconds
Acceleration: 2.89 G (almost 3 times free fall)
¼ mile: 7.82 seconds @ 168 mph
Power: over 500 hp
Battery: 1210 lithium iron nano-phosphate™ cells from A123 Systems
Battery weight: 200 lbs (90 kg)
Battery voltage: 374 Volts
Battery capacity: 9.1 kWh
Motors: Two DC series motors @ 87 lbs (40 kg) each.
Controller: Cafe Electric Zilla2k-HV
Drive: direct chain drive on the rear wheel.
Total weight of the bike: 653 lbs (296 kg).
Electricity consumption: 0.6 kWh, worth $0.07 for each run
down the strip including the burn out. It corresponds
to 2 ounces (70 ml) of gasoline.
Charger: Manzanita Micro PFC-50, 12kW power-factor corrected, multi-voltage input
Tires: M&H Racemaster 10.0/27.0 - 15 MHR-68

Including burn-outs, the KillaCycle could make 7 or more runs on one charge. Recharges in less than 4 minutes.

Veršur interresting aš skoša gripinn....

Mechanical injection with turbo's is half way between science and madness...

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 17:04:50 »
og hvar veršur žaš til sżnis ????
Sigurbergur Eirķksson

rieju smx 2004 BlUe edition :D pro

Quote from: "Leon"
Quote from: "Camaro-Girl"
hian eš tij soli ogher itor l aKShofn
:smt030  :smt024

ahaha :D svona gerist ef mašur drekkur og spjallar į netinu :D;)

Offline Brynjar Siguršsson

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 17:59:28 »
Vęntanlega į žessari rįšstefnu ..... veit ekki meš ašrar sżningar....
Mechanical injection with turbo's is half way between science and madness...

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 18:14:57 »
kostar virkilega 59žśs į žessa rįšstefnu
1992 Toyota Mr2 Turbo 3S-GTE

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 19:00:51 »
jį žvķ žaš er gert rįš fyrir žvķ aš allir sem męti į hana séu žar į vegum einhverra rķkisstofnana og rķkra fyrirtękja.
Baldur Gķslason

1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX 4x4 turbo
1992 Polaris Indy RXL 136" turbo

Turbo or no go.

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 12:29:16 »

Vonandi aš hann sé bśinn aš jafna sig eftir įreksturinn ( sjį myndskeiš ašeins nešar į sķšunni )  :mrgreen:

Óheppinn karlinn
Ari Jóhannsson
1969 Camaro, N/A   8.55 ET / 160,7 MPH., 5.34 /130.0 MPH 1/8, 1.22 60ft.

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2008, 12:50:21 »
Jįjį, hann slapp vel śr žessu..

"I’m Fine (scapes and cuts) Bike is a little bent….

First off, I’m just a bit scraped up. Embarrassed of course. I had not intended the bike to move in the soapy water, just spin the tire.

Got it slowed down to about 20 mph. Front wheel is bent, as are front forks. Cowling is not nearly as pretty as it was.
Battery box took a hit from the front wheel. Almost certainly, some cells were shorted. No smoke. No fire. Ultra safe cells. Had these been anything but A123 Systems Nano-phosphate cells, shorts would have caused a serious fire.

No major damage. We will have it fixed in short order.

Important to note: Area in front of the bike was CLEARED of ALL PEOPLE. NO ONE was at risk but me. Concrete on both sides of area.

Yes, I am an idiot for not wearing a helmet. :-/"

Svo skellti hann sér ķ 7.824 @168 mph rśmlega mįnuši seinna :)
Valbjörn Jślķus Žorlįksson - GSM: 820-8488

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Re: Killacycle į klakanum
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 19:13:15 »