Žaš er vķst aš koma öflugasti "electric" drag bike ķ heimi į klakan....
Hönnušur/Ökumašur hjólsins er fyrirlesari į žessari rįšstefnum
http://www.driving.is/Helstu speccar um hjóliš:
0-60 mph (0-96 km/h): 0.97 seconds
Acceleration: 2.89 G (almost 3 times free fall)
¼ mile: 7.82 seconds @ 168 mph
Power: over 500 hp
Battery: 1210 lithium iron nano-phosphate cells from A123 Systems
Battery weight: 200 lbs (90 kg)
Battery voltage: 374 Volts
Battery capacity: 9.1 kWh
Motors: Two DC series motors @ 87 lbs (40 kg) each.
Controller: Cafe Electric Zilla2k-HV
Drive: direct chain drive on the rear wheel.
Total weight of the bike: 653 lbs (296 kg).
Electricity consumption: 0.6 kWh, worth $0.07 for each run
down the strip including the burn out. It corresponds
to 2 ounces (70 ml) of gasoline.
Charger: Manzanita Micro PFC-50, 12kW power-factor corrected, multi-voltage input
Tires: M&H Racemaster 10.0/27.0 - 15 MHR-68
Including burn-outs, the KillaCycle could make 7 or more runs on one charge. Recharges in less than 4 minutes.
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