Author Topic: OF reglur ?  (Read 12881 times)

Offline Einar Birgisson

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OF reglur ?
« on: September 28, 2007, 10:52:30 »
Class Overview

Pro Street vehicles are the fastest and quickest vehicles in the NMCA series. Pro Street provides the ultimate in street legal drag racing with 6-second passes at over 200 MPH. Pro Street is designed for both stock appearing and Outlaw style bodied vehicles. Pro Street entries are permitted small block and big block engines up to and including a maximum of 840 ci depending on combination. Single power adder naturally aspirated, supercharged, nitrous oxide, or turbocharged engine combinations are permitted using both gasoline and alcohol as fuel. Pro Street permits a variety of race-proven modifications and performance enhancements on from-the-ground-up, purpose-built vehicles. Pro Street class is for American production cars and trucks. Pro Street racing will be conducted at all drag racing events (see race schedule).

Qualifying Information, Ladder Type, & Tree

16 Car Qualified Field, NHRA Pro Ladder, .400 Pro Tree, Heads-Up. In situations where there are greater than 16 cars entered, and the field has not been filled with a full official 16 qualified cars, points standings of the entered vehicles will determine which of the non-qualified vehicles will be placed on the ladder.

Base Weights:

Small Block Nitrous 480 Gasoline 2,100
Small Block Nitrous 530 Gasoline 2,200
Small Block Roots Supercharged 450 Alcohol 2,700
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (4.45) 450 Gasoline 2,600
Small Block Turbocharged, Single 450 Gasoline 2,800
Small Block Turbocharged, Twin 450 Gasoline 2,900
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (5.15) 450 Gasoline 2,750
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 650 Gasoline 2,300
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 830 Gasoline 2,400
Big Block Nitrous 4.900 or less 650 Gasoline 2,650
Big Block Nitrous 715 Gasoline 2,700
Big Block Nitrous 740 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Turbocharged, Single 550 Gasoline 2,900
Big Block Turbocharged, Twin 550 Gasoline 2,950
Big Block Centrifugal Supercharged 650 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Roots Supercharged 550 Alcohol 2,850

Maximum Cubic Inch - 840

*If actual cubic inch is more than base cubic inch listing, there will be a weight penalty of 8.0 pounds per cubic inch assessed to base weights, up to the maximum cubic inch permitted in the class.

NOTE: All weights are with driver & rounded down to the five pound increment. Ex:A calculated weight of 2842 would be required to weight 2840 with driver at scales.

1950 – 1974 BODY STYLES AND ALL TRUCKS—deduct 50 pounds from base weights.

“OUTLAW” BODY—add 50 pounds to base weights. See sections 1.16, 4.12, 6.1, 6.5, 7, and 7.2

Entries with a purpose built transmission using a torque converter with 3 speed or less may deduct 150 pounds from base weights. See Section 2.13

Nitrous big blocks with OEM block, 4.840-inch bore centers, and 650 ci or less, may deduct 125-lbs.

Entries with an OEM-type automatic transmission (lock up or non lock-up) may deduct 250 pounds from base weights.


As of January 15th for each racing season, the NMCA sanction will no longer accept formal requests from manufacturers to have new products considered for addition to current-year accepted lists. As of 1/15/07, NMCA will consider manufacturer requests for new products for the 2008 season only.

Class Guidelines



RADIATOR: Any automotive type radiator required on all entries except alcohol-supercharged vehicles. Radiator is optional on alcoholsupercharged entries.

Note there is no restriction to require radiator to be in front of engine.

WATER PUMP: Any aftermarket (belt drive or electric drive) pump permitted.

COOLING FANS: Any permitted.


ENGINE: Engine must be a V-8 automotive type engine. Any internal modifications are permitted. Engine swapping permitted during event. All engine combinations are limited to a maximum of 840ci. Nitrous big blocks utilizing engine blocks/cylinder heads with greater than 4.900-inch bore centers must compete at 715ci base weight. Nitrous big blocks with OEM-block, 4.840-inch bore centers, and 650 ci or less, may deduct 75 lbs.

1.2A) ENGINE DRIVE BELT SYSTEM: Any permitted. Water injection is prohibited.


EXHAUST: All entries allowed to use tubular headers. Adapter plates permitted to bolt headers to cylinder head. Exhaust must be directed out of car body, away from driver and fuel tank.

1.3A) HEADERS & COLLECTORS: Any headers and/or collectors permitted.

1.3B) EXHAUST TUBING/SIZE: Any exhaust tubing size permitted.

1.3C) TAILPIPE & EXHAUST RULES: Not required.

1.3D) MUFFLER REQUIREMENTS: Mufflers required. Commercially available, conventional style (generally available through retail locations) mufflers required. A maximum of two (2) mufflers is allowed. A maximum of one (1) inlet and one (1) outlet is permitted. Collector-style mufflers are permitted.


DELIVERY SYSTEM: Electric, mechanical, or belt driven fuel pumps permitted. Pressure regulators, and any line size permitted. All fuel lines must originate and return to a single, non-segmented, fuel cell. Fuel pump must shut off with a master electrical switch. Any method of artificially heating or cooling fuel prohibited (cool cans, ice, wet rags, Freon, etc.). A valve for removal of fuel (gasoline) during technical inspections is mandatory. Valve must be installed between carburetor/injection and regulator, and should be installed in such a manner that allows a cup to be placed to catch fuel removed from the line. Exit of valve should be capped or plugged in addition to being closed for added safety.


GASOLINE: Gasoline as outlined here is one of the only acceptable fuels for use in this eliminator for the specified combinations (See Section 13). The NMCA Racing Association reserves the right to check gasoline at any time during competition. Gasoline, as defined by the NHRA rulebook, is a mixture of hydrocarbons only.The average dielectric constant (D.C.) for the hydrocarbons that compromises gasoline is 2.025. This is defined asa reading of “0” on the fuel-check meter. NMCA allows no greater reading than a “0” on the fuel-check meter. Failure to pass fuel check is grounds for disallowance of the run during competition and disqualification from the event during eliminations.

1.6A) SPEC FUEL: Not required.


ALCOHOL: Alcohol as outlined here is one of the only acceptable fuels for use in this eliminator for the specified combinations (See Section 13). The NMCA Racing Association reserves the right to check alcohol at any time during competition.Alcohol must be pure U.S. federal grades A and AA without the addition of chemical additives, masking agents, or any other substance. Failure to pass fuel check is grounds for disallowance of the run during competition and disqualification from the event during eliminations.


NITROUS OXIDE: Any accepted nitrous system permitted, including systems with multiple stages, solenoids, nozzles, or plates in the nitrous oxide system. Push systems prohibited. The use of agents other than nitrous oxide as part of, or mixed in, the system are prohibited. Nitrous oxide may not be used in conjunction with any other power adder. If entry is entered as a non-nitrous entry, all solenoids, lines, fittings, and bottles must be removed prior to technical inspection and anycompetition runs. Nitrous oxide systems must use gasoline only for the fuel enrichment circuit.


OILING SYSTEM: Any oiling system permitted. Any vacuum pump and/or evacuator system (header, or otherwise) permitted. Any oil pan permitted.


Multi-staged forced supercharged induction systems are prohibited.

ROOTS TYPE SUPERCHARGER: Supercharger is limited up to a 14:71 high helix with an inside case length of 19 inches or smaller. Overdrive limited to 29.0%. Manufacturers identification must be clearly visible on all drive pulleys. Screw type supercharger prohibited. Mechanical fuel injection with an injector scoop mandatory. Injection of any liquid, gas, or any other substance into the inlet or exhaust housing prohibited. All supercharged entries may not utilize a gear ratio numerically greater than 4.57 with a tire rollout of at least 109-inch. If a tire less than 109-inch rollout is used, the gear ratio may not be numerically greater than 4.33. 1 to 1 relationship mandatory in 3rd gear. Overdrive or underdrive units are prohibited in any part of the drivetrain. Two (2) forward shifts mandatory (split-shifting prohibited). 3-speed transmission with 2 planetaries maximum. Only single centrifugal superchargers permitted.

SINGLE CENTRIFUGAL SUPERCHARGER: There are two sizes of single centrifugal racing superchargers permitted that fit the following criteria as detailed below:

4.45” SUPERCHARGER: Inlet diameter - internal OD 4.600-inch maximum, impeller inducer diameter 4.450-inch maximum, impeller exducer diameter 7.500-inch, discharge diameter - external 4.00-inch, housing diameter (greatest external diameter of housing not to include discharge) – 12.0-inch maximum.

5.150-INCH SUPERCHARGER: Inlet diameter – internal OD 5.250-inch maximum, impeller inducer diameter 5.150-inch maximum, impeller exducer diameter 8.000-inch, discharge diameter – external 4.00-inch, housing diameter (greatest external diameter of housing not to include discharge) – 12.0-inch maximum.

Injection of any liquid, gas, or any other substance into the inlet or exhaust housing prohibited. Supercharger compressor wheel must be constructed of cast or billet aluminum. Exotic material wheels prohibited.

1.12A) PULLEYS/CHAINS/BELTS: Belt driven permitted. Fuel and/or oil lines must be shielded wherever they pass the supercharger drive belt. Either a belt guard or fuel/oil line guard may be used. Chain driven supercharger permitted only with SFI approved chain shield.

1.15 BLOCK

BLOCK: Any internal modifications permitted. Any generally available engine block is permitted, cast iron or aluminum. Engine blocks for any combination are restricted to a maximum bore spacing of 5.000 inch. Nitrous big blocks utilizing engine blocks/cylinder heads with greater than 4.900-inch bore centers must compete at 715ci base weight.


ENGINE LOCATION (ALL EXCEPT OUTLAW BODY): Maximum allowable engine setback from the centerline of the number-one spark-plug hole to the centerline of the front spindle is 4 inches, except in those vehicles in which the engine was factory installed at a distance greater than 4 inches behind the spindle. In those cases, the engine setback may be no further back than the stock location. Engine plates and solid engine mounts permitted.

ENGINE LOCATION (OUTLAW BODY): maximum allowable engine setback is no more than 10% of the wheelbase as measured from centerline of front spindle to center of spark plug hole. Engine plates and solid engine mounts permitted.

1.17 HEADS

HEADS: Any cast aluminum, iron, or billet two-valve per cylinder heads permitted. Cylinder heads must be overhead valve single spark plug per cylinder design.


VALVETRAIN: Any valvetrain permitted.


CARBURETORS: Entries may use single or dual four-barrel carburetors. Split carburetors permitted (example: a Dominator, split and offset into two two-barrels).



FUEL INJECTION: Fuel injection must be mechanical or electronic, maximum 8 throttle plates. Fuel-injected entries will race at the same weight as carbureted entries.

1.20A) MASS AIR SIZE & TYPE PERMITTED: Any permitted.

1.20B) FUEL INJECTOR SIZES & TYPES: Any size/type fuel injector permitted.


INTAKE MANIFOLD: Any intake manifold with any modification permitted.


SOLENOIDS: Any amount or type of solenoids permitted.


Multi-staged forced turbocharged induction systems are prohibited.

SINGLE TURBOCHARGER: NMCA accepted single turbochargers are permitted with the following requirements: 1) Turbocharger must be of conventional impeller and housing design and type. 2) Turbocharger is limited to a maximum size of 106 MM (4.173-inch) - inducer wheel diameter at the point where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the inlet housing. 3) Inlet housing is permitted a maximum inlet diameter of 4.254-inch where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the housing. 4) Compressor wheel to housing clearance must maintain a maximum of 0.080-inch clearance beginning from a) where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the inlet of the compressor housing to b) the transition point where the trailing edge of the compressor wheel meets the volute. 5) All air entering the turbocharger must pass through the turbocharger inlet. Injection of any liquid, gas, or any other substance into the inlet or exhaust housing prohibited. Boost controllers permitted. Turbocharger compressor wheel must be constructed of cast or billet aluminum. Exotic material wheels prohibited.

DUAL TURBOCHARGERS: NMCA accepted dual turbochargers are permitted with the following requirements: 1) Turbochargers must be of conventional impeller and housing design and type. 2) Turbochargers are limited to a maximum size of 88MM - 3.464-inch- inducer wheel diameter at the point where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the inlet housing. 3) Inlet housing is permitted a maximum inlet diameter of 3.545-inch where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the housing. 4) Compressor wheel to housing clearance must maintain a maximum of 0.080-inch clearance beginning from a) where the leading edge of the compressor wheel meets the inlet of the compressor housing to b) the transition point where the trailing edge of the compressor wheel meets the volute. 5) All air entering the turbocharger must pass through the turbocharger inlet. Injection of any liquid, gas, or any other substance into the inlet or exhaust housing prohibited. 6) Turbochargers must share common plenum. 7) Stacking turbochargers prohibited. Turbocharger compressor wheel must be constructed of cast or billet aluminum. Exotic material wheels prohibited.


AFTERCOOLER/INTERCOOLER: Aftercooler(s)/Intercooler(s), 2 maximum, permitted only on forced induction entries. Individual aftercoolers/intercoolers may not be staged or in series. Air-to-air or air-to-water/ice are the only systems permitted.Water and/or ice are the only components permitted in the reservoir.

1.24A) AFTERCOOLER/INTERCOOLER LOCATION: There are no restrictions as to location of aftercooler/intercooler.


POWER ADDERS: Any single power adder (nitrous oxide, supercharger, turbocharger) permitted with engine combination. See sections 1.9, 1.12, & 1.23.


CRANKSHAFT: Any crankshaft permitted. Composite and/or multi-piece crankshafts prohibited.


CONNECTING RODS: Steel, aluminum, or titanium only connecting rods permitted. Composite connecting rods prohibited.


HEAD GASKETS & QUENCH AREA: No restrictions.


PISTONS, PINS, RINGS: Any piston, pin, ring combination permitted.


BOOST CONTROLLERS: Any boost controller(s) permitted on turbocharged applications only.




VISIBLE COATINGS: Visible coatings are permitted where lubricants are present.Visible piston coating above the top ring is permitted.Visible coating of cylinder head runners, combustions chambers, and/or intake manifold runners/plenums permitted.


“O” RINGING OF BLOCK: Permitted.



CLUTCH (7.50 TO 11.99): Clutch operation must be manually applied and disengaged with foot during run, without the assist of electric, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. Multi stage, variable release, or lock up type of any description is prohibited. Throwout bearing must release all fingers or levers simultaneously. Clutch (2 disk maximum) meeting SFI spec 1.1 or 1.2 mandatory.

CLUTCH: (6.00 to 7.49): Clutch operation must be manually applied and disengaged with foot during run, without the assist of electric, hydraulic or pneumatic devices. Multi stage, variable release, or lock up type of any description is prohibited. Throwout bearing must release all fingers or levers simultaneously. Clutch meeting SFI spec 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4 mandatory.


DRIVESHAFT: Any permitted.


REAREND: Any automotive type rearend permitted.


MANUAL TRANSMISSIONS: OEM or aftermarket transmissions with a maximum of 5 forward speeds permitted, including “clutchless” models. Manual transmission entries run at listed base weights. Any gear change must occur from direct action by the driver. Manual lever shifters are permitted. Pneumatic shifters are permitted (air/button activated only – single & separate button per gear required), however no wiring (and/or electrical-type solenoids/switches) permitted in shifting mechanism/process. RPM-activated or automated shifters, of any type, are prohibited. Electric, hydraulic, etc., shifters prohibited. Torque converter not permitted with this type of transmission.

FOR ROOTS SUPERCHARGED ENGINES: 3-gears maximum. 1 to 1 relationship mandatory in 3rd gear. Overdrive or underdrive units are prohibited in any part of the drivetrain. Two (2) forward shifts mandatory (split-shifting prohibited). 3-speed transmission with 2 planetaries maximum.


PURPOSE BUILT TRANSMISSIONS: Any purpose built transmission with a maximum of 5 forward speeds utilizing a clutch permitted. Any gear change must occur as a result of an internal function of the transmission or from direct action by the driver. Manual lever shifters are permitted. Pneumatic shifters are permitted (air/button activated only – single & separate button per gear required), however no wiring (and/or electrical-type solenoids/switches) permitted in shifting mechanism/process. RPM-activated or automated shifters, of any type, are prohibited. Electric, hydraulic, etc., shifters prohibited.

FOR ROOTS SUPERCHARGED ENGINES: 3-gears maximum. 1 to 1 relationship mandatory in 3rd gear. Overdrive or underdrive units are prohibited in any part of the drivetrain. Two (2) forward shifts mandatory (split-shifting prohibited). 3-speed transmission with 2 planetaries maximum.


(OEM American transmissions or replicas of OEM American transmissions that use planetary gears)

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS: Any OEM American transmission or a replica of an OEM American transmission that uses planetary gears permitted. Three forward speeds maximum. Transmission-to-engine adapters are permitted. Lock-up transmissions/torque converters permitted. Trans brakes permitted. Pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, etc. shifters prohibited. Any gear change must occur as a result of an internal function of the transmission or from direct action by the driver. Clutch not permitted with this type of transmission.

FOR ROOTS SUPERCHARGED ENGINES: 3-gears maximum. 1 to 1 relationship mandatory in 3rd gear. Overdrive or underdrive units are prohibited in any part of the drivetrain.Two (2) forward shifts mandatory.



BRAKES: All cars must have front and rear hydraulic brakes.Automated brakes or any type of traction control is prohibited. Application and release of brakes may be a function of the driver’s foot or use of a handbrake. Line lock permitted on front wheels only. Any other electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic device in the system is prohibited.


SHOCK ABSORBERS: Each vehicle in competition must be equipped with one operative shock absorber for each sprung wheel. Shock absorbers may be either hydraulic or friction type, securely mounted and in good working order. OEM or aftermarket coil over shocks permitted.


STEERING: Any type steering permitted.


SUSPENSION: All cars must have a full racing suspension system, both front and rear. Rigid mount front and/or rear axles prohibited.


WHEELIE BARS: All wheelie bars must have a non-metallic wheel. Wheels must turn freely at starting line. Wheel preload is prohibited. Using the wheelie bar as a “fifth wheel” sensing device is prohibited. Hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic, etc. or any other adjustment or movement during run is prohibited.



FRAME: Any fully suspended frame (purpose built or otherwise) that passes NHRA safety standards permitted.


GROUND CLEARANCE: Minimum 3 inches from front of vehicle to 12 inches behind centerline of front axle; 2 inches for remainder of vehicle, except oil pan and exhaust headers.


WHEELBASE (ALL EXCEPT OUTLAW BODY): Entries may compete with 105-inch wheelbase, regardless of OEM stock wheelbase, without OUTLAW classification. Entries with OEM stock wheelbase greater than 105-inch (i.e., 1967-1969 Camaro at 108-inch) must be +/- 3-inch of OEM stock to avoid being classified as OUTLAW body. Maximum variation from left to right and front to back of 1 inch. Wheelbase must be 100 inches minimum to 125” inches maximum.

WHEELBASE (OUTLAW BODY): Wheelbase may be altered from stock. Wheelbase must be 100 inches minimum to 125 inches maximum. Maximum variation from left to right and front to back of 1 inch.



TIRES–FRONT: Front tires must have a minimum tread width of 4.5 inches.

TIRES–REAR: Street type or racing slicks permitted. Maximum rear tire sidewall designation allowed in competition for racing slicks is 35.0/17-16. DOT tires may also be used with a maximum rear sidewall designation of 35/22.5-16. Outside of rear tire must be within 5 1/2 inches of the inside of the fender at widest point. Tire tread may not extend outside fenders.


WHEELS: Spindle-mount front wheels permitted.



INTERIOR (ALL EXCEPT OUTLAW BODY): Must maintain stock appearance; including factory OEM style dashboard. Heater/air conditioners may be removed. Stock type, aftermarket, or fabricated pedals and linkage permitted. Master cylinder may be relocated to accommodate brake pedals & linkage.

INTERIOR (OUTLAW BODY): No restrictions.


CARPET: Not required. Headliner optional.


SEATS: One aftermarket seat is required. Location of seatback may not be greater than 6-inches behind the plane of the rear door jamb.

SEATS (OUTLAW BODY): One bucket, minimum 24 inches high are required with no other restrictions.


DOOR PANELS: Door panels must be covered.

DOOR PANELS (OUTLAW BODY): No door panels required.


STEERING COLUMN: Aftermarket steering column permitted. Removable steering wheel permitted.


GAUGES: Aftermarket gauges may be installed in factory or OEM style dash.


PEDALS/PEDAL LOCATION: Aftermarket pedals and linkage are permitted, but must remain in stock location in foot well.


BODY: Vehicle (1950 & newer) must retain original appearances and profiles for year and make of body to run at base weight (no weight adder for Outlaw body). Only American production body styles permitted. Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and carbon fiber body parts permitted. Hood may be hinged, lift off, or part of removable front end. Trunk lid may be hinged or lift off. Front overhang is prohibited from exceeding 45 inches forward of the front spindle unless factory OEM body design exceeds 45 inches. Funny car bodies prohibited. Front fenders and front fascia may be one-piece unit. Body must be finished and painted.

Bodies that do not retain original appearances and profiles or original appearances and measurements are subject to 50-pound “Outlaw” weight adder.

Bodies that do not have original appearances and profiles and any vehicle 1949 & earlier are classified as an Outlaw body. Alterations or aerodynamic modifications such as “chopped tops”, “channeling”, “sectioning”, “shortening” or “scaling down” would be considered as a body that does not retain original appearances and profiles.

Bodies that do not retain original appearances and measurements and any vehicle 1949 & earlier are classified as an Outlaw body. Original appearances and measurements are defined as: 1) a vehicle with a wheelbase greater than +/- 3” of the stock wheelbase for the body used. 2) a vehicle with a windshield angle different than the factory windshield angle for body. 3) see section 7.2 spoilers.

If a convertible top is used as an entry the use of ANY mechanism under or above the convertible top is not permitted.

EX: Building a cover that would be located above or below the convertible top, using straps below or above the convertible top, etc. Convertible tops need to be operational in all classes that the windows are required to operate.

All entries with convertible tops must compete with top up.


GRAPHICS: Graphics (for advertising or creative purposes) permitted on entire body, including doors, hood, rear quarter panels, front fenders, wing, etc.

CONTINGENCY DECALS: In order to be eligible for NMCA official contingency program, all contingency decals are required to appear rear of the front door jam on the body, on rear quarter windows, or rear window. Contingency decals may not be overlapped or modified. Other decals and sponsorship (non-contingency) may appear on bodywork, front end, and on windows.

NMCA REQUIRED DECALS: The following decals are required for competition in NMCA events.

NMCA WINDSHIELD DECAL – must be installed on top of windshield. This NMCA decal must be the only decal on top of windshield. Other vehicle sponsor decals may be placed at base of windshield. Pro Street category must have the accepted white NMCA windshield decal installed either a) entirely on the top portion of the windshield or b) partially on the top portion of the windshield and partially on the roof line, with the entire base of the NMCA banner at the minimum touching the top of the windshield. No other decal may appear on the top of the windshield. “Other” decals may be placed at the base of the windshield or on any portion of the bodywork.

NMCA 2007 DRAG RACING SERIES “SIDE” DECALS – must be installed on each side of vehicle on quarter windows.

CLASS SPONSOR DECAL – class sponsor decal must be installed on base of windshield on the passenger side.

PERMANENT NUMBERS – permanent numbers are required for competition in this class.


REAR SPOILER (ALL EXCEPT OUTLAW BODY): Rear spoilers permitted, may not extend more than 26 inches from the transition point with the body to the rear most portions. Rear spoiler may not be molded into body (Pro Mod Style).

Spoilers must be stationary during entire run. A positive locking device to prevent movement required. Spring loaded spoilers prohibited. Spoiler spill plates (if used) may be a maximum of 12” in height. REAR SPOILER (OUTLAW BODY): Any spoiler that is molded into body (Pro Mod Style) will cause the vehicle to be classed as an “Outlaw” body for weight break purposes. Any spoiler that measures larger than 26 inches from the transition point with the body to the rear most portions will cause the vehicle to be classed as an “Outlaw” for weight break purposes. Maximum width including spill plates and attachment points to be no wider than the widest portion of the body behind the “B” post.

Rear spoiler spill plates cannot extend further forward than rear axle centerline. Maximum height of vertical spill plates is 12 inches with no more than 6 inches extending above spoiler itself. Rear spoiler may not extend more than 62 inches from rear axle centerline to the rear most portion of the spoiler. Spoiler may not extend above roofline more that 3 inches. Spoilers must be stationary during entire run. A positive locking device to prevent movement required. Spring loaded spoilers prohibited.

Any spoiler that does not follow these guidelines is prohibited.


FIREWALL: Firewall may be stock or fabricated, in any location. Material used must be no less than .024 inch thick steel or .032 inch thick aluminum.


FLOOR: Floor/ trunk pan/transmission tunnel modifications are permitted. Replacing stock floor/trunk pan/transmission tunnel with a minimum of.024 inch thick steel or .032 inch thick aluminum permitted. Magnesium is prohibited.


HOOD/SCOOP: OEM, fiberglass or carbon fiber hood and /or scoop permitted. Forward-opening or rear-opening scoops permitted. One opening only permitted. Induction must be completely covered by hood, bubble, or scoop. Hood may be part of the front fenders and may remove as one piece. Scoop need not be part of the vehicle hood. Turbochargers and centrifugal superchargers must be covered by hood however, openings for inlets no more than 3 inches high from the flat of the hood permitted.

The induction on roots type supercharged entries may protrude through the hood.


WINDOWS: NHRA-accepted safety glass, or one eighth-inch thick polycarbonate material, such as Lexan MR 4000 mandatory. Driver and passenger windows must be closed during racing.Windows do not have to be operative.


BUMPERS: Front and rear bumpers must be duplicates of originals and may be made of any light weight materials. Hole in front bumper for the purpose of air induction is limited to one hole, 9 inch maximum diameter. License plate frame holders are not permitted to extend beyond flat surface of front bumper. No body components, bumper add-ons, or body kits are permitted to be added to the vehicle with the intent of increasing the frontal distance of the bumper for the purposes of breaking the infrared beams.




GRILLE: Must have original appearance and profile for body used. May be made of lightweight materials. Blocking grille to prevent air passage is permitted.


WHEELWELLS: Material used to add to the width of the inner wheelwell may be steel, aluminum, fiberglass or carbon fiber. Rear wheelwells must be separate for each tire.

FENDERS: Leading and trailing edges of fenders may be trimmed for tire clearance, maximum 2”.


RAM AIR: Commercially available or fabricated ram-air unit permitted. Headlights may not be removed/modified for air induction.

7.15 DOORS

DOORS: Driver and passenger doors must be functional and operable from inside and outside of vehicle.


AERODYNAMICS: Taping of any body parts, seams, or front end prohibited. Removal of side mirrors permitted. See section 7.17.


BODY KITS: Accepted, commercially available body kits permitted. Filling in the lower valance permitted if completed in a permanent manner (taping not permitted).


COWL AREA: Cowl area not required.


FRONT FENDERS/FRONT FASCIA: May be one-piece and/or removable.



BATTERY: Battery may be relocated. Charging systems optional.


IGNITION: Maximum of one distributor or magneto permitted. Electronic ignitions permitted. Any distributor drive system permitted. Multiple coils permitted.


STARTER: All entries must be self-starting with on-board starter.


Bracket racing aids such as optical sensors, delay boxes, stutter boxes, etc. prohibited. Throttle stops permitted. The application or use of any device, mechanical or electronic, that permits the driver to ascertain the position of their vehicle in relation to the starting line is prohibited.


ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS/DATA RECORDERS: Onboard diagnostics and data recorders used to monitor and record parameters such as a driveshaft speed, acceleration, nitrous timing, chassis strain, suspension travel etc., permitted.Wide band oxygen sensors permitted. “Playback” tachometers permitted (i.e. Autometer Dual Channel Ultimate II tachometers, and the use of its features). Laptops permitted in vehicle.


BOTTLES: All bottles must be securely mounted, stamped with a minimum DOT–1800lb. rating, and identified as nitrous oxide. Bottles located in driver’s compartment must be equipped with the correct relief valve per manufacturer recommendations and vented outside the driver’s compartment. Bottles are limited to two 25-lb. bottles. The use of any agents other than nitrous oxide as a part of, or mixed with, this pressurized fuel system is strictly prohibited. (Push systems are prohibited.) Commercially available, thermostatically controlled, blanket type bottle heaters are acceptable. Any other method of heating bottles in vehicle is prohibited.


TOW VEHICLES: Vehicles may be towed in or to staging lanes.Vehicles may be towed from the return road.



CREDENTIALS: See general regulations.


It is the participant’s responsibility to familiarize oneself with the class requirements as found in the 2007 NMCA rulebook and the safety requirements as found in the 2007 NHRA rulebook. The participant agrees that the participant bears the ultimate responsibility at all times to ensure the safety of participant’s vehicle and to ensure that participant complies with all applicable NHRA & NMCA rules. The participant agrees that participant is in the best position to know about the construction and operation of participant’s vehicle, equipment, and clothing, and whether there has been compliance with all applicable NHRA & NMCA rules.


Headlights and tail lights for year & make of body used mandatory. Tail lights required to be functional.


1. Bedcovers permitted.
2. Tailgate must be closed during competition.
3. Fullsize and compact pickups permitted.
4. El Camino-type vehicles must participate under passenger-car rules.
5. Rear-window glass may be replaced with Lexan for the purpose of accepting rollcage bracing that extends rearward from the cab.
6.Accepted modifications permitted to allow removal of bed from frame without removal of roll bar or roll cage bracing.


DATE: ADJUSTMENT: None at this time.
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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OF reglur ?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 10:58:49 »
Þarna er ekki gert ráð fyrir dragsterum virðist vera ,bara bílar með ljós ofl.
Má ekki bara laga indexið í OF svo tekið sé inn í Indexið poweradderar ofl.?
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Kristján Skjóldal

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OF reglur ?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2007, 12:23:40 »
já við skulum drífa í að breita reglum :?  en ekki bara vinna heimavinnuna :lol:
best á Camaro 1972 1,49 60 f 6,49 1/8  10,19 1/4 @ 131.96.  best á  Blower Camaro 1967 1,16 60 F 5,12 1/8 og 8,16 1/4 @169. best á Dragga 8,26 @ 170,97 en þá voru ekki komnir 60 f timar. sandur 3,34 draggi og á hjóli 4,56 kveðja Kristján Skjóldal

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 13:49:48 »
Hugmynd, svona er þetta víða.
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 13:55:32 »
Ég er bara að spá í vigt versus power-adders.
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 13:56:22 »
Base Weights:

Small Block Nitrous 480 Gasoline 2,100
Small Block Nitrous 530 Gasoline 2,200
Small Block Roots Supercharged 450 Alcohol 2,700
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (4.45) 450 Gasoline 2,600
Small Block Turbocharged, Single 450 Gasoline 2,800
Small Block Turbocharged, Twin 450 Gasoline 2,900
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (5.15) 450 Gasoline 2,750
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 650 Gasoline 2,300
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 830 Gasoline 2,400
Big Block Nitrous 4.900 or less 650 Gasoline 2,650
Big Block Nitrous 715 Gasoline 2,700
Big Block Nitrous 740 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Turbocharged, Single 550 Gasoline 2,900
Big Block Turbocharged, Twin 550 Gasoline 2,950
Big Block Centrifugal Supercharged 650 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Roots Supercharged 550 Alcohol 2,850

Maximum Cubic Inch - 840
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline 69Camaro

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« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2007, 14:59:01 »
Nú skaltu fara að passa þig Einar , þú veist að það má alls, alls, alls, ekki stinga upp á einhverju spjalli um að breyta OF reglum.  :lol:

Ameríska máltæki " When the shit hits the fan " átti bókstaflega við þegar að ég reyndi það síðast. Svínahirðirinn og fleiri ámóta gaurar spruttu upp og fordæmdu slíkt tal sem hin verstu helgispjöll.


Ari Jóhannsson
1969 Camaro, N/A   8.55 ET / 160,7 MPH., 5.34 /130.0 MPH 1/8, 1.22 60ft.

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« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2007, 15:00:04 »
Ég tek undir þetta með nafna, lang hrifnastur af þessu formati.
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!

Offline Raggi

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« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2007, 15:04:49 »
Mér líst ágætlega á þessar reglur,

Finnst það líka jákvætt að menn eigi að skipta sjálfir.
There is no replasement for more displasement

Offline Árni Hólm

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« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2007, 17:42:11 »
er ekki líka spurning hvort draggar og boddí bilar eigi samleið í flokki,
mér hefur líka alltaf þótt mjög skrítið að það sé sama vigt óháð
hvort bílar eru na eða með gas blower turbo alcahol lenco

Offline Ingó

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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2007, 17:45:43 »
Sælir félagar.

Það er ljóst að það þarf að yfirfara OF reglur end voru þær samdar yfrir 15 árum+ Engar reglur eru svo fullkomnar að þær þurfi ekki að uppfæra með tíð og tíma.

kv Ingó.

p.s. ég legg til að G. Franksson komi með hugmyndir að uppfærslu þar sem hann er aðalhöfundur að OF reglunum.
Ingólfur Arnarson

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« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2007, 18:57:32 »
Allavega aðskilja N/A frá FI í Indexi
Heddportun og Vélabreytingar
Innflutingur á vélum,vélhlutum,almennum vara og aukahlutum

USA 01 713 409 6094

Ari Gislason

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« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2007, 20:08:46 »
getur einhver útskýrt þetta í stuttu máli þar sem ég nenni ekki að lesa allann þennann texta?

Er málið að slútta index kerfinu og skipta bílunum í 16 eftirfarandi flokka og láta þá starta á jöfnu (e. heads up)?

16 Car Qualified Field, NHRA Pro Ladder, .400 Pro Tree, Heads-Up. In situations where there are greater than 16 cars entered, and the field has not been filled with a full official 16 qualified cars, points standings of the entered vehicles will determine which of the non-qualified vehicles will be placed on the ladder.

Base Weights:

Small Block Nitrous 480 Gasoline 2,100
Small Block Nitrous 530 Gasoline 2,200
Small Block Roots Supercharged 450 Alcohol 2,700
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (4.45) 450 Gasoline 2,600
Small Block Turbocharged, Single 450 Gasoline 2,800
Small Block Turbocharged, Twin 450 Gasoline 2,900
Small Block Centrifugal Supercharged (5.15) 450 Gasoline 2,750
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 650 Gasoline 2,300
Big Block Naturally Aspirated 830 Gasoline 2,400
Big Block Nitrous 4.900 or less 650 Gasoline 2,650
Big Block Nitrous 715 Gasoline 2,700
Big Block Nitrous 740 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Turbocharged, Single 550 Gasoline 2,900
Big Block Turbocharged, Twin 550 Gasoline 2,950
Big Block Centrifugal Supercharged 650 Gasoline 2,800
Big Block Roots Supercharged 550 Alcohol 2,850

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2007, 21:31:05 »
Bara að spá í hvort ekki er hægt að nota eitthvað heads-up format, þetta forskota system er ekki það besta sem í boði er, en það má laga allt og líka Index unitið.
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline killuminati

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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2007, 21:44:26 »
oki þetta er allt gott og gilt. Flott að koma með svona góðar og vel studdar tillögur.
Hvernig kæmi þetta út fyrir okkar klúbb?
Í sumar var met þáttaka í OF, 7 bílar minnir mig mest heilir í einu.
Ef þessum bílum yrði flokkað í þessa flokka hvað margir flokkar yrðu með fleiri en 2 bílum í?
Hvernig liti þetta út þ.e.a.s?
Væri þetta skemmtilegri keppni?
Sanngjörn keppni?

sumar þessara spurninga að ofan eiga líka við um index kerfið okkar.

Er hægt eitthvað að laga indexið?
Er svona rosaleg skekkja í því?

Flott hjá starfsliðinu í sumar að vigta bílana í fyrir hverja keppni sem eru framför frá því í fyrra.

bara nokkrar spurningar sem komu upp í hausnum á mér sem væri gaman að velta fyrir sér hérna.  :)

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2007, 21:52:47 »
Þetta er 1 EINN flokkur.
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline killuminati

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« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2007, 22:11:25 »
Einar ég tók því sem JÁ þegar þú svaraðir spurningu minnu um hvort ætti að skipta bilunum niður í 16 flokka!!!!!!!!!

EINN flokkur! þá spyr ég er sanngjarnt  að:

Small Block Nitrous 480 Gasoline 2,100

spyrni við

Big Block Roots Supercharged 550 Alcohol 2,850

og starti á jöfnu??

Er það skemmtilegra?

Eflaust gaman að sá báða bílana taka af stað á sama tíma. En ef annar bílinn er kominn í mark þegar hinn á eftir 1/8 er lítið spennandi.

En endilega ef ég er að misskilja þetta heví? Þá ústkýra þetta fyrir mér eins og ég sé 6 ára ;)

Offline Einar Birgisson

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« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2007, 22:18:24 »
Ja ég er ekki að skálda þessar reglur heldur eru þær í notkun þannig að þær virðast virka.

event series
offical rulebook
class regulations
pro street
Einar Þór Birgisson

Drag racers go straight to the finishline. The others guys drive in circles looking for it.

Mín skrif hér eru mínar persónulegu skoðanir. Ég áskil mér rétt til að skipta fyrirvaralaust um skoðun.

Offline killuminati

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« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2007, 23:18:52 »
dró það ekkert í efa

Offline Gretar Franksson.

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OF linurit
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2007, 16:42:07 »
Sælir, þegar OF reglurnar voru fundnar út var miðað við keppnistæki sem notuðu einn poweradder. Það var ekkert annað í gangi á þeim tíma.

Núna er kominn tími til að þróa þetta áfram.  Uppi er hugmynd að vera með línuritið okkar en 4 mismunandi línur í staðin fyrir eina, eftir búnaði keppnistækjana.

Lína 1:  Keppnistæki án poweradder.

Lína 2:  keppnistæki með 1 poweradder (núverandi lína)

Lína 3:  Keppnistæki með 2 poweradders

Lína 4:  Keppnistæki með blásara og Alcahol

Áfram er notast við sama línuritið í uppfærðri mynd og inná því eru þessar 4 línur til að miða við.

Áfram erum við með einn flokk þar sem mismunandi keppnistæki keppa saman á jafnréttisgrunni.
Hinar línurnar verða fundnar út með reikniregglu út frá því sem er að gerast í viðkomandi flokkum í USA.

Kostirnir við línuritið eru miklir: vegna þess að þyngd ökutækja er frjáls . stærð véla er frjáls, engin þrep. Verður þó að rúmast innan línuritsins. Engin er þvingaður til að gera eitthvað kostnaðarsamt vegna reglna.

Heads up flokkarnir eru svo gróft flokkaðir að stór göp eru þar til staðar.
Svo eru Draggarnir fyrir utan.

kv. Gretar Franksson
Gretar Franksson.