Author Topic: 455 79 Trans Am  (Read 3152 times)

Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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Halldór Ragnarsson

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 00:30:39 »
750.000kr hingað kominn fyrir utan flutning í USA + 2mills í að gera hann góðann,rosa fínn díll :lol:
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 18:34:59 »
1.5 mill,hvernig þá :?: Ef reiknað er með $800 í flutning + 2800=$3600
þá segir reiknivél ShopUsa  825.000?
En hvað um það,ætli þetta fengist fyrir sama bíl hérna heima?
Halldór Ragnarsson

Offline Kristján F

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2007, 18:48:02 »
$800 í flutning er of lág tala flutnigur á svona bíl frá kaupanda og hingað heim á bryggju er ca 2500-3000$.
Kristján Finnbjörnsson

Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2007, 18:57:21 »
Það er alveg hugsanlegt,þetta var bara ágiskun,en ég hef séð tilboð frá flutningafyrirtækjum í gegnum Ebay fyrir mun lægri upphæð en $2500
under 750 :$300-$650
751-1000mph  :$450-$750
1001-1500mph :$550-$850
1501-2000mph :$650-$950
2001-2500MPH :$750-$1100
2501 mph and over :$850-1150
Estimated Shipping Costs
Below is the estimated shipping costs for a Standard Size Car.

ESTIMATE ONLY! This estimate is not valid for booking.

You need a customized quote in order to book online or over the phone. If you want a detailed quote based on your actual vehicle or if your vehicle is non-operational, has been modified and/or is oversized, you will need to continue below to a customized quote.

**Estimated Rate: $799.00

Rate includes valuation at:

Drop vehicle off at closest DAS Location:
Houston, TX 77020
(0 miles from Houston, TX 77032)

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Estimated Delivery: 12 days


Pick up vehicle at closest DAS Location:
Ashland, VA 23005
(118 miles from Virginia Beach, VA 23455)

Þarna vantar reyndar 118 mílur uppá  :oops:

Halldór Ragnarsson

Offline Dodge

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2007, 21:08:01 »
það eru aldeilis hraðflutningar..
"2501 MPH and over"
Besti tími í kvartmílu. 10,697  60ft. 1,543  hraði. 114,5mph
Besti tími í 1/8. 6,526  60ft. 1,865  hraði. 117,5
Besti tími í sandi 4,762

Kveðja, Stefán Steinþórsson
sími: 866-9282   e-mail:

Offline Kristján F

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2007, 21:54:57 »
Quote from: "Chevelle71"
Það er alveg hugsanlegt,þetta var bara ágiskun,en ég hef séð tilboð frá flutningafyrirtækjum í gegnum Ebay fyrir mun lægri upphæð en $2500
under 750 :$300-$650
751-1000mph  :$450-$750
1001-1500mph :$550-$850
1501-2000mph :$650-$950
2001-2500MPH :$750-$1100
2501 mph and over :$850-1150
Estimated Shipping Costs
Below is the estimated shipping costs for a Standard Size Car.

ESTIMATE ONLY! This estimate is not valid for booking.

You need a customized quote in order to book online or over the phone. If you want a detailed quote based on your actual vehicle or if your vehicle is non-operational, has been modified and/or is oversized, you will need to continue below to a customized quote.

**Estimated Rate: $799.00

Rate includes valuation at:

Drop vehicle off at closest DAS Location:
Houston, TX 77020
(0 miles from Houston, TX 77032)

View Map
Estimated Delivery: 12 days


Pick up vehicle at closest DAS Location:
Ashland, VA 23005
(118 miles from Virginia Beach, VA 23455)

Þarna vantar reyndar 118 mílur uppá  :oops:


Já þessi verð geta alveg staðist sem flutningur innanlands í USA svo á eftir að senda gripinn yfir hafið. 800-1000$ er ekki óalgeng upphæð í innanlandsflutning.Sjálfur greiddi ég á sínum tíma tæpa 2200$ fyrir að láta sækja bíl og koma í skip til Íslands.
Kristján Finnbjörnsson

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2007, 22:26:20 »
Quote from: "Chevelle71"
1.5 mill,hvernig þá :?: Ef reiknað er með $800 í flutning + 2800=$3600
þá segir reiknivél ShopUsa  825.000?
En hvað um það,ætli þetta fengist fyrir sama bíl hérna heima?

1.5 er fyrir bílinn sem ég setti link á!
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2007, 23:12:29 »
Ok,það er greinilega mun dýrara en ég hélt að flytja inn svona kerru  :shock:
Halldór Ragnarsson

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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455 79 Trans Am
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2007, 23:16:30 »
Svona bíla í slæmu ástandi borgar sig ekki að flytja inn,það er svo dýrt að laga þetta og þeir fást á lítinn pening í góðu standi eins og sést og nóg til af þeim,annað mál ef þetta væru hard to find tugþúsunda dollara bílar eftir uppgerð.
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas