Author Topic: 16" Porsche design 90 felgur. Sjúkt undir VW  (Read 1617 times)

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16" Porsche design 90 felgur. Sjúkt undir VW
« on: May 23, 2012, 21:15:20 »
Er með eftirfarandi felgur sem koma undan 944 s2.
Þarf að mála eða pólera. Er klárlega málið undir endri VW

This package will fit the following:
Porsche 928 ALL YEARS
Porsche 944 1987 - 1991
Porsche 944 Turbo 1987 - 1989
Porsche 964 1989 - 1994
Porsche 968 1992 - 1995
Porsche 911 70's and 80's (please ask for fitment)


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