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bakaður pabbi sem var ekki til búinn fyrir "minni van"
og Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser topurinn af 1971 bill og það er ekki eins og þetta se 1 af 63 71 Heim
heldur bara 1 af 2,659 þanni i minnu huga ekkert að þessum og kemur mjög vel út

lesa þetta þar stendur að bíllinn hafi verið 2 ára það er árið1973 var þetta gert.
It's always dangerous to get excited about a car that looks halfway decent in pictures. This creative body project that was born from a very rare 1971 Dodge Challenger R/T SE is just such a car. Yes, the value of this car has been pretty well erased by the addition of an Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser roof, and that could cause some outbursts from purists. The thing is, the stupid values that cars of this era have been reaching at auction are a recent phenomenon.
This particular Challenger was just a two year old car when someone went at it with the nibbler back in 1973. From what we can see, this is a 50/50 car – the closeups tell a story that's a little rougher than the more distant snaps. If you've got $28,000, you can enter a starting bid. The seller points out that it'll need some work, and that'll likely cost you at least another 30-large for a full proper restoration. Nobody has thrown cash at the auction yet, so that's a good sign for bidders. With less than a day to go, you may be able to snag this vintage metal shop Frankenstein without a bidder war.