şağ er ekkert annağ
annars şá væri svoldiğ svalt ağ geta sagt ağ mağur eigi fyrsta mustanginn sem var smíğağur
ekki fysti sem var smiğjağur heldur fysti sem var seldur Jon Jonssyni (almennings) ef mig minnir rett
Stendur ad tetta se liklega sa fyrsti sem var smidadur og seldur almenningi.
"This is the 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible #100212, believed to be the first Mustang built on the assembly line, on the first day of retail production! In addition, in 45 years, no other documented delivery date of April 16 has been produced. Therefore, it is believed this is also the first Mustang sold to the public."