Author Topic: Pontiac will be terminated after 2010.  (Read 3221 times)

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Re: Pontiac will be terminated after 2010.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 16:16:19 »
Djöfull...þá missir maður af 2010 módelinu af Aztec :lol:

"I was in the audience at the Detroit auto show the day GM unveiled the Pontiac Aztek and I will never forget the gasp that audience made. Holy hell! This car could not have been more instantly hated if it had a Swastika tattoo on its forehead. In later interviews with GM designers — who, for decency's sake, will remain unnamed — it emerged that the Aztek design had been fiddled with, fussed over, cost-shaved and otherwise compromised until the tough, cool-looking concept had been reduced to a bulky, plastic-clad mess. A classic case of losing the plot. The Aztek violates one of the principal rules of car design: We like cars that look like us. With its multiple eyes and supernumerary nostrils, the Aztek looks deformed and scary, something that dogs bark at and cathedrals employ to ring bells (cf., Fiat Multipla). The shame is, under all that ugliness, there was a useful, competent crossover. "

"The Aztek represented all that is wrong with GM's design process, that official said"

Kristján Grétarsson S: 862-2992