Author Topic: skemmdur ´65 fastback  (Read 43901 times)

Offline 429Cobra

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2013, 02:58:07 »
Sælir félagar.  :)

Nei bíllinn var alls ekki svona illa farinn, þetta er bara spurning um hversu mikið þú vilt endurnýja.
Gólf og sílsar voru til að mynda ryðlaus.
Framendann þurfti alls ekki að taka af þar sem ég var tiltölulega ný-búinn að láta setja hann á hjá fagmanni og var það gert í bekk með öllum málum frá Ford og Autorobot.
En þetta kemur alltaf að því sama og það er hversu mikið vill viðkomandi eigandi gera.

Þegar ég seldi bílinn 2009, þá var ég tiltölulega nýbyrjaður að gera hann upp eftir rúm 20 ár í geymslu en ég lagði honum 1984.
Bæði afturbrettin höfðu til að mynda verið ryðbætt hjá mér og það sá ekkert á þeirri vinnu og voru þau að mér sýndist á myndum vera alveg ryðlaus.

Málið er að bíllinn verður super góður þegar hann er tilbúinn með hann, hvort hann hefur skipt um of mikið eða ekki þá finnst honum það örugglega ekki en ég hefði látið það sem heilt var halda sér.  :wink:

Hálfdán. :roll:
Kveðja.<br />Hálfdán Sigurjónsson.   :roll:<br /><br />Losing Is Natures Way Of Saying YOU SUCK.<br /><br />Öll endurbirting á skrifum mínum á þennan vef eða annars staðar er bönnuð nema að fengnu skriflegu samþykki höfundar.

Offline Infected Mushroom

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2013, 13:59:45 »
Excellent work, what motor/trans is going in it?
I have not made any desicion yet about the trans and engine, but it will most likely be manual trans with a small-block stroker.
65 Mustang HT, 349 stroker/ 400+?hp/ G-Force T5/ 3.80/'03 Cobra discs/Sparco seats/TCP front Coilover suspension/Calvert Racing monoleafs/Caltracs/TCP Pwr R&P/Dakota Digital/MSD/Edelbrock/Boss Motorsport Wheels/K&N/Ford Racing.

'65 Mustang Fastback

Offline Infected Mushroom

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2013, 14:28:39 »
It's like Hálfdán says, I didn't really needed to replace the entire frontend, that was just a personal desicion. If I had kept the '65 frontend how-ever, a few issues would have needed to be corrected, one of them being the fender/shock tower overlapping. That alone would be a major job. Another major issue was the spacing between the rear inner fenders, they were about 1" too far apart, and I know that would cause a problem when the hood and hood hinges were to be installed, because I have the exact same issue with my '65 HT. Someone have replaced the inner fenders at some point and just got it wrong. I have worn out those stock hood hinges a lot, and when I installed the billet hood hinges from Eddie Motorsport it just didn't fit the hood. I ended up using a 1/2" spacer between each hood hinge and fender.

So these two issues was the reason why I decided to replace the frontend rather than trying to fix it.

With that said, just understand that I have absolutely no hard feelings towards anyone about these issues, I like this kind of work because it helps me learn more about working with the metal. I also knew I wanted to do something with those bulky shock towers anyway.
65 Mustang HT, 349 stroker/ 400+?hp/ G-Force T5/ 3.80/'03 Cobra discs/Sparco seats/TCP front Coilover suspension/Calvert Racing monoleafs/Caltracs/TCP Pwr R&P/Dakota Digital/MSD/Edelbrock/Boss Motorsport Wheels/K&N/Ford Racing.

'65 Mustang Fastback

Offline Infected Mushroom

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2014, 19:22:43 »
Hmm, almost a full year since last post.

Still working on it, but it's been sitting for a few months now because I am doing a makeover on my '65 coupe.

But here is what I did on it the last year: The last rear wheelhouse installed, right/left trunkfloor tailored to fit around the widened wheelhousings, transition pan installed, everything in the rear-end removed. The B-pillars/roof behind the quarter panels were heavily rusted out, had to fix that. Quarter panel extension are very rusted too, have to fix those. I am fixing the original extension as I think the repros are not good replacements. New quarter panels will be installed, but the  original lower rear window panel and the taillite panel will be fixed and reinstalled.
65 Mustang HT, 349 stroker/ 400+?hp/ G-Force T5/ 3.80/'03 Cobra discs/Sparco seats/TCP front Coilover suspension/Calvert Racing monoleafs/Caltracs/TCP Pwr R&P/Dakota Digital/MSD/Edelbrock/Boss Motorsport Wheels/K&N/Ford Racing.

'65 Mustang Fastback

Offline Infected Mushroom

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2014, 19:29:15 »
More photos
65 Mustang HT, 349 stroker/ 400+?hp/ G-Force T5/ 3.80/'03 Cobra discs/Sparco seats/TCP front Coilover suspension/Calvert Racing monoleafs/Caltracs/TCP Pwr R&P/Dakota Digital/MSD/Edelbrock/Boss Motorsport Wheels/K&N/Ford Racing.

'65 Mustang Fastback

Offline Moli

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2014, 21:41:55 »
Nice work!  =D>
Magnús Sigurðsson.
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Offline Infected Mushroom

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Re: skemmdur ´65 fastback
« Reply #46 on: February 21, 2016, 00:59:18 »
The project have been standing still for a year now because of other things to do, but I started up again a few days before christmas last year and now I am on a roll. There was, and still are, a lot of issues with the repro quarter panels. They didn't fit right towards the C-pillar, the upper "beam" on the sail panel was too narrow, so I had to cut out the beam and replace them with another set from a different vendor. QP didn't fit towards the QP extensions, the trunk lid, the tailight panel, the valance panel, the trunk floor, and they sure don't fit against the outer wheelhousing. Still have to adress the fit to the wheelhousings and trunk lid, but it's coming together quite nice now, and I guess I'll be ready to weld up the rearend towards the summer (waiting for hotter weather so I can put some epoxy primer on before welding QPs).

65 Mustang HT, 349 stroker/ 400+?hp/ G-Force T5/ 3.80/'03 Cobra discs/Sparco seats/TCP front Coilover suspension/Calvert Racing monoleafs/Caltracs/TCP Pwr R&P/Dakota Digital/MSD/Edelbrock/Boss Motorsport Wheels/K&N/Ford Racing.

'65 Mustang Fastback