Author Topic: lada  (Read 7524 times)

Offline patrekur sveinn

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« on: February 09, 2009, 00:00:27 »
lada getiði sett myndir af lödum sem þið vitið um og gamlar sem nýjar og niðurkomnar eða ekki??? :mrgreen:
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Patrekur Sveinn Þorkelsson

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Re: lada
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 00:06:23 »
nei, nú verð ég ekki eldri!  :-#
Magnús Sigurðsson.
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Re: lada
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2009, 00:42:44 »


What do you call a Lada with a sunroof?    A skip!
What do you call a Lada with a sunroof and twin exhaust pipes?    A Wheelbarrow!
Why does a Lada have a heated rear screen?    To warm your hands while you're pushing it!
How do you double the value of a Lada?    Fill it with petrol!
What is the similarity between a Lada and a bathtub?    You cannot step out of either one in a public place.
How can you tell a man driving a Lada?    He wears dark sunglasses.
How can you tell a Lada driver from the other people wearing dark sunglasses?    He doesn't have a white cane.
What's on the last page of a Lada owner's manual?    The bus schedule!

What do you call a Lada at the top of a hill ?
A. A miracle.

Somewhere in the middle of Spain, a Lada is driving along and meets a donkey.
The donkey, never having seen a Lada before, asks:"What are you?"
The Lada: "I am a car. What are you?"
The donkey: "Hahahaha... I'm a horse..."

Man buys a Lada but after only one day of ownership returns it to the garage.
"It's no good mate, the car's no good for me" says the man
"Why not?" asks the car dealer.
"See that steep hill over there?" says the man pointing
"Well it will only get up to seventy five up there!"
"That's not bad really sir, for a Lada especially. I can't see a problem with that"
"Trouble is" said the man, " I live at ninety five!"

A man goes into a car accessory shop and say's to the assistant "Can I have a hub cap for my Lada?"
The assistant thinks for a moment and reply's "Okay, it seems a fair swop"

Did you hear about the bloke who had his Lada broken into?
The thieves put him a radio in!

Why is a lada like a woman?
Because when you put your foot down there is no response!

Heard of Lada's new turbo model?
It has pedals in the backseat, too!

A kid is walking down the road when a car pulls up beside him.

The window winds down and a middle aged man peers out and says "Come into the car and I'll take you for a drive."
The kid refuses and walks on.
The car follows him and pulls up again.
"C'mon" says the driver "Hop in and I'll give you a packet of Smarties".
Again the kid refuses and walks away.
The car follows him and pulls up beside him again. \
The driver steps out and says,
"If you come for a drive I'll give you all the sweets you want".
The kid turns around and says
"Look Dad, you bought the bloody Lada, now you deal with it!"

How do you make a Lada disappear?
You spray it with rust remover!

Now they have made a new Lada, with two exhaust pipes.
So you can use it as a wheelbarrow at weekends.

A Lada can reach a speed of 125 mph, if it's transported on the railway!

Did you know that the Lada's instruction book contains 500 pages?
There are two pages with information about the car and 498 pages with bus and train timetables.

Why do insurance companies enjoy Lada's?
They are never stolen.

Why is there light under the Lada's bonnet?
So you can fix it 24 hours a day.

There is a new 16 valve Lada.
It has 8 in the engine, and 8 in the radio.

My cousin was unemployed. Then he became a Lada salesman.
He is still unemployed, but now we understand why

Do you know what all the Lada owners are dreaming about?
Getting a ticket for speeding.

From a newspaper: To the man who stole my Lada in 20 degrees of frost.
Keep the Lada, but please tell me how you started it!

Did you know that there are only two men working in the Lada factory?
One with scissors and one with glue.

Do you know what the trip counter in the Lada says when it's passing 20,000 miles?
Game Over!

A bloke was driving up the M1 in his Lada.
Suddenly there is a pop and a bang and the Lada starts to loose speed quickly so he pulls off to the hard shoulder.
A few minutes later a Porsche pulls up in front of them and a bloke jumps out.
"Do you want a tow mate?" he says, "yes please" the Lada driver replies.
"Ok, but if I go too fast then you will have to put you're indicator on or I will lose myself!!"
So the two men set off and after about ten minutes a Ferrari pulls up alongside the Porsche and they start to race, forgetting the poor Lada behind.
Finally they take an exit to a little village and zoom past a little pub with a man standing outside it with his pint in his hand.
This bloke runs inside to his friends and blurts out;
"You'll never guess what I have just seen!
I saw a Ferrari and Porsche racing at 250 mph and a Lada indicating to overtake!!!"

What's the difference between a Lada and a golf ball?
You can drive a golf ball 200 metres.

What do you call a Lada that starts first time?
A novelty.

What do you call a Lada that overtakes you?
A mirage.

What to you call a Lada with brakes?

Guy #1: I was lucky yesterday, I won second prize in a lottery!
Guy #2: Lucky you! What did you win?
Guy #1: A Lada
Guy #2: Oh yeah, what was the first prize?
Guy #1: A basket of assorted fruits.

Það er ágætt að vera með nokkrar lausar skrúfur.
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Re: lada
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2009, 01:02:54 »
lada getiði sett myndir af lödum sem þið vitið um og gamlar sem nýjar og niðurkomnar eða ekki??? :mrgreen:
ertu fullur ... :mrgreen:

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Re: lada
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 01:13:10 »
lada getiði sett myndir af lödum sem þið vitið um og gamlar sem nýjar og niðurkomnar eða ekki??? :mrgreen:
ertu fullur ... :mrgreen:

nei drekk ekki einusinni haha

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Re: lada
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 01:23:48 »
ég er lonk nota það i hinni tölvunni

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Re: lada
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2009, 01:31:16 »
og hvað er lonk ...  :mrgreen:

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Re: lada
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2009, 01:33:00 »
veit bara ekki en setja inn myndir af lödum sem þið vitið um

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Re: lada
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2009, 01:39:38 »
hér er limmo lada .... :mrgreen:

Offline Brynjar Nova

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Re: lada
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2009, 01:44:04 »
 :shock: :D
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Re: lada
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2009, 01:46:01 »
er þessi á klakanum

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Re: lada
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2009, 01:52:06 »
nebb , þetta er bara eithvað bull sem ég fann á netinu ..... :mrgreen:

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Re: lada
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 01:59:34 »
og 1 bling bling ........ :mrgreen:

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Re: lada
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2009, 02:53:37 »
Strákar hvernig látiði Lödur eru þrælgóðir vagnar   :lol: og það er hægt að flytja margt í þeim sem maður setur ekki í aðra bíla   8-)
Og sá sem aldrey hefur átt Lödu hefur ekki lifað lífinu til fulls . :D
Ég hef því miður bara átt 3 Lödur sem er náttúrulega allt of lítið . :oops:

Ég r að verða brjálaður yfir hel****** tölvu kvikindinu mínu búinn að reyna í góðam kl.tíma að pósta mynd en hún frís alltaf á því **++**++++++ tölvu drusla
oldsmobile delta custom 88 71 (lagt 84)
mercury zephyr station 78 (seldur)
mercury zephyr 79 (í uppgerð)
bens 190e 88(SELDUR)
feroza 94(SELDUR)
Lada sport 90 driver
Lada sport 87 (í geimslu)
Ég get staðist allt nema freistingar.

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Re: lada
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2009, 15:07:11 »
Strákar hvernig látiði Lödur eru þrælgóðir vagnar   :lol: og það er hægt að flytja margt í þeim sem maður setur ekki í aðra bíla   8-)
Og sá sem aldrey hefur átt Lödu hefur ekki lifað lífinu til fulls . :D
Ég hef því miður bara átt 3 Lödur sem er náttúrulega allt of lítið . :oops:

Ég r að verða brjálaður yfir hel****** tölvu kvikindinu mínu búinn að reyna í góðam kl.tíma að pósta mynd en hún frís alltaf á því **++**++++++ tölvu drusla

alveg samála síðast ræðumanni og svona til að toppa þetta lödu bull þá hef ég sett sjálfskiptingu í lödu 1600 með félaga mínum sáluga sem er nú dauður kall greyið , en þetta var sjálfskipting úr fiat sem smellpassaði´aftan á lödu motorinn , hehe bara gaman , ekki margir sem hafa rúntað um á sjálfskiptri lödu ..... :mrgreen:

Offline GunniCamaro

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Re: lada
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2009, 15:13:20 »
Heyrðu Moli, ég bara spyr, hvar er Maggifinn núna, og þó, kannski sé "lonk" búinn að borga
Gunnar Ævarsson

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Re: lada
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 16:58:40 »
Hehe helvíti góðir djókar þó þeir eigi sér ekki stoð í raunveruleikanum :)

Ég á þennan græna gullfák, '77 2103 1500

átti þessa rauðu líka, hún er látin.
líð núna um á '92 2107 1600 5speed.. klassa brúksbíll fyrir núllkall
Besti tími í kvartmílu. 10,697  60ft. 1,543  hraði. 114,5mph
Besti tími í 1/8. 6,526  60ft. 1,865  hraði. 117,5
Besti tími í sandi 4,762

Kveðja, Stefán Steinþórsson
sími: 866-9282   e-mail:

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Re: lada
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2009, 19:55:38 »
Eins og ég sagði er hægt að láta ýmislegt inn í Lödu sem maður setur ekki í aðra bíla  :lol:
oldsmobile delta custom 88 71 (lagt 84)
mercury zephyr station 78 (seldur)
mercury zephyr 79 (í uppgerð)
bens 190e 88(SELDUR)
feroza 94(SELDUR)
Lada sport 90 driver
Lada sport 87 (í geimslu)
Ég get staðist allt nema freistingar.

Offline patrekur sveinn

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Re: lada
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2009, 20:49:02 »
Heyrðu Moli, ég bara spyr, hvar er Maggifinn núna, og þó, kannski sé "lonk" búinn að borga

borga hvað??? er ekki i kvartmiluklubbnum bara a spjallinu
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Patrekur Sveinn Þorkelsson

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Re: lada
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2009, 21:02:33 »
Heyrðu Moli, ég bara spyr, hvar er Maggifinn núna, og þó, kannski sé "lonk" búinn að borga

borga hvað??? er ekki i kvartmiluklubbnum bara a spjallinu

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