Mottó vetrarins er: Vinna ķ tryllitękinu ķ vetur og koma žvķ ķ notkun į Kvartmķlubrautinni nęsta sumar
Automobile Couches Each couch is produced from an original car rear end (not fiberglass). Professionally modified and fully restored, including triple plated chrome. Working tail lights (110 Volts) and original accent moldings. Vinyl upholstery (leather $500 additional). Hide-a-beds are available on some models for $950 additional). Prices: Auto Sofas Made from: 1965 Mustang - $4350 1955 Chevy - $4900 1956 Chevy - $5695 1957 Chevy - $6160 Ford & Corvettes - $6795 69 Camaro - $6250 1959 Cadillac - $8995 1956 Cadillac - $6995 Other available at a slightly higher cost Crating/Shipping Cost: $650 - $1250 Delivery - 8 - 12 weeksFor more information, email: call 202-338-1342 (10 am - 9 pm east coast time)with your name, location, and day time phone number.
Žessi hafnfiršingar Hann hefur séš žennann og įhvešiš aš gera eins
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