Einsog til dæmis að haga nýjum brautarstæðum þannig að ekki þurfi að vera með steypuvegg við endann á bremsukaflanum, og hætta að keyra svona hraða flokka þegar utanaðkomandi aðstæður krefjast svona veggja á gömlum brautum..
hér er góð samantekt á svona slysum sem ég hef engu að bæta við
From what I understand, after the sand trap, there are Jersey barriers at the end of that track, because a road goes across the end of it. Johnny West hit them years ago in a similar situation. The video posted does not really show how long the shut down area is. The car actually blew up at the finish line, it appears that it ate itself during the run, and when the pistons melted the burning fuel got to the oil pan, and it may have hydraulic'd a cylinder as well. Over the past few years, we've proven sand traps aren't really adequate (two Stock Eliminator cars with brake failure went right through the sand, among other accidents) but a new solution has not been found.
As much as I love and value tradition, it may be time to move on from Old Bridge Township Raceway Park. The track has been there for decades, but the surrounding community has been forcibly encroaching on the track. They now have a severe curfew, 10AM to 10PM, huge walls around the track, severe traffic issues, and the barrier at the end of the track. I'd really hate to see the track lose the event, and the track might close without it. But if it is not safe, it is not safe, and we should not race there. Darrell Waltrip said it best when Dale Earnhardt was killed, "I'm sick and tired of hearing how my friends 'Died doing what they loved', how about we stop screwing around about safety and stop my friends from getting killed so often and so easily".
Racing is inherently dangerous. I make the choice to take that risk every time I climb in a car (I was going racing today, but my partner is very ill this weekend, so our two cars stay home today). But no, it would not be okay if "I died doing what I loved". It wouldn't make it better for me, my friends, or my family. I'd still be just as dead, and the car just as trashed. That's just a STUPID statement, and not true at all. It is NOT what REAL race car drivers want. NONE of us wants to leave the loss of a human life at the foot of our chosen sport or hobby, to say otherwise is stupid. We often do not do what is best for us, and we often chafe at new safety rules. But safety rules are most often written in blood, the blood of our own, because safety rules are written REACTIVELY, instead of PROACTIVELY, even when we know what is coming. We can't make racing completely safe, but we can make it a lot safer. And we should not ONLY advance safety only AFTER another death.