Author Topic: Bmw Alpina B3 Switctronic Touring 2001 - Frábært verð !  (Read 1338 times)

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Ég er með brilliant Bmw Alpina B3 touring bíl til sölu :

Tegund : Bmw Alpina B3
Árgerð : 2001
Vélarstærð er 3.3 og skilar bíllinn 280 hestöflum.
Akstur : 181 þúsund ( þar af 147 þúsund útí Þýskalandi )
Litur: Orientblue-Metallic
Sjálfskiptur með Switch-Tronic skiptingu.
17" Vetrarsett og 18" Alpina Sumarsett fylgja með.

Nánar hérna :

Paintwork: orientblue-metallic
Leather Montana black
ALPINA-velours-floor mats anthrcite
ALPINA 3-spoke sport-leather-steering wheel
Speed control with multifunction key
Automatic gearbox
Dynamic stability control
Side airbag for driver and passenger
Side airbag for rear passenger
ITS head airbag for driver and passenger
Tyre-pressure monitoring
Outside mirror package
Green shade band-windscreen
Roof rails
Sliding-tilding-glas sunroof
Automatic dipping mirror
luxury wood "Myrte"
Smoker package
Seat-adjustor control, elecrical with memory for driver seat
BMW-sport-seats for driver and passenger
Seat heating for driver and passenger
Headlight washer system
Park distance control (PDC)
rain sensor
Xenon light
Automatic air condition incl. automatically recirculating air control
navigation system with TV and bord computer incl. radio Professional
Car telephon D-net with card-reader front
Radio: BMW Professional
CD-changer BMW 6 CD changer
HiFi-loudspeaker system Harman/Kardon
High gloss shadow line
Headlining antracite BMW Individual
Approved vehicle immobilisation system AZT/TÜV

Nokkra myndir af honum á Alpina felgunum :

Þetta er alveg geggjað svalur station bíll !

Alltaf smurður með Mobile 1 og alltaf mjög vel við haldið.

Ásett verð er 2.790.-
Áhvílandi er 2.160.-

Afborgun cirka 43 þúsund í Íslenskum krónum frá Glitni Frænda.

Fæst á 2.360.-
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX MR SE
2001 BMW Alpina B3 Touring switschtronic - Til Sölu !