Author Topic: HJĮLP  (Read 3963 times)

Offline edsel

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« on: October 19, 2007, 23:58:23 »
er einhver sem getur hjįlpaš mér aš taka innsigliš śr nżju Derbi Senda X Race?
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline Gilson

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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2007, 01:12:19 »
įtt žś svoleišis, annars er žaš bara ķ pśstinu og soggreinini held ég
Gķsli Siguršsson

Offline edsel

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« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 10:35:09 »
takk kęrlega fyrir :worship: žaš er aalveg hund leišinlegt aš vera meš žessi innsigli, žarf aš lulla upp brekkur ķ fyrsta gķr
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

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« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2007, 14:36:03 »
žaš er lika i bensķn gjöfini  8)  hehe hvad ertu ad nį žvķ uppķ? :lol:
Sigurbergur Eirķksson

rieju smx 2004 BlUe edition :D pro

Quote from: "Leon"
Quote from: "Camaro-Girl"
hian eš tij soli ogher itor l aKShofn
:smt030  :smt024

ahaha :D svona gerist ef mašur drekkur og spjallar į netinu :D;)

Offline edsel

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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2007, 20:20:27 »
50 KM nišur brekkur
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline burger

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2007, 22:19:24 »
heheh vį hvada arg og stuff? eg er ad nį 80 kmh til ca 87 kmh į sléttu hehe er į rieju smx  8)  8) vinur minn er į derbi senda drd sm racing og eg veitt ekki allveg hvad hann hefur farid upp i hann er enn med innsiglinn ķ hehe  :lol:  :lol:
Sigurbergur Eirķksson

rieju smx 2004 BlUe edition :D pro

Quote from: "Leon"
Quote from: "Camaro-Girl"
hian eš tij soli ogher itor l aKShofn
:smt030  :smt024

ahaha :D svona gerist ef mašur drekkur og spjallar į netinu :D;)

Offline edsel

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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2007, 22:27:50 »
yrši ekki best aš lįta eitthvaš hjólaverkstęši gera žetta?
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline Gilson

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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2007, 13:31:31 »
žś getur talaš viš bandit79 hérna į spjallinu, hann getur gert žetta fyrir žig.
hann er aš vķsu į selfossi  :?
Gķsli Siguršsson

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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2007, 14:49:57 »
90 į jafnsléttu į innsiglašri 50cc vespu NP. :D
Besti tķmi ķ kvartmķlu. 10,697  60ft. 1,543  hraši. 114,5mph
Besti tķmi ķ 1/8. 6,526  60ft. 1,865  hraši. 117,5
Besti tķmi ķ sandi 4,762

Kvešja, Stefįn Steinžórsson
sķmi: 866-9282   e-mail:

Offline dart75

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« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2007, 19:27:56 »
ég įtti einu sinni gasgas 50 8)
Gušjón Levķ
Dodge Dart 360
chevy camaro 01 cowl,moser 12 bolt oflofl

Offline edsel

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« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2007, 20:03:05 »
er ekki einhver į Akureyri sem getur gert žetta fyrir mig gegn greyšslu
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline Gilson

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« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2007, 20:49:00 »
prófašu aš tala viš bandit og hann getur įręšanlega leišbeint žér  :wink:
Gķsli Siguršsson

Offline edsel

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« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2007, 21:20:46 »
geri žaš, takk :P
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline Kristjįn Skjóldal

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« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2007, 22:25:19 »
Dedion Ingó
best į Camaro 1972 1,49 60 f 6,49 1/8  10,19 1/4 @ 131.96.  best į  Blower Camaro 1967 1,16 60 F 5,12 1/8 og 8,16 1/4 @169. best į Dragga 8,26 @ 170,97 en žį voru ekki komnir 60 f timar. sandur 3,34 draggi og į hjóli 4,56 kvešja Kristjįn Skjóldal

Offline edsel

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« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2007, 22:45:12 »
prófa aš tala viš hann, takk  :P
Sindri Freyr Pįlsson
BMW E30 318 IS vél '87 seldur  :smt010
Toyota Touring '89 klesstur
Hyundai Sonata '95 seldur :D
Ford Bronco II '88 daily driver :D :D :D :smt093

Offline Porsche-Ķsland

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« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2007, 00:31:35 »
Quote from: "edsel"
er ekki einhver į Akureyri sem getur gert žetta fyrir mig gegn greyšslu

Lynx umbošiš į Akureyri var meš umbošiš fyrir žessi hjól fyrir nokkrum įrum..

Keypti svona hjól fyrir strįkinn og žaš virkaši vel,, sérstaklega eftir aš viš settum 70 cc kittiš ķ žaš.

Prufašu aš leyta snillingana sem voru meš žaš umboš.
Halldór Jóhannsson