« on: May 09, 2007, 15:51:03 »
Ţađ er ekki bara kvartađ undan hjólafólki hér á klakanum, hér er bréf sem MAG sendi frá sér í dag.TO THE EMAIL ARMY
Issued 9th May 2007
Dear All
Villagers in Stanton-by-Bridge, near where the "Safe With MAG" event is being run, have kick started a bid to block what they call an "invasion" by bikers.
What appears to be a minority of people from the village have launched the campaign to stop MAG running the event.
Event organiser Peter Walker, of Magic Action Promotions, who with dedicated MAG volunteers runs the successful "Into The Valley" rally, attended last weekend by nearly 2,000 motorcyclists in the village of Sledmere and the "Farmyard Party" attended by 10,000 riders in the village of Helmsley said:
"The idea was to provide a safe campsite for members of the Motorcycle Action Group, who are aged between 30 and 50."
"We have to apply for an events licence to be able to sell alcohol and play music but the main point is that we will be operating a camp site."
"The event is designed for the discerning members of the group and it will be manned by marshal volunteers and security as well as having a trained medical team on hand. We are responsible people and the event is 150 per cent legal, operated by a morally responsible company."
MAG events fund MAG - Fighting for Riders' Rights.
Full News Story from the Derby Evening Telegraph
At the end of the News Story you will find a link to the news item and a link to vote on whether the event should be run, you can also send your comments to the Editor.
By Catherine Oakes coakes@derbytelegraph.co.uk
8th May 2007
Villagers have launched a campaign to stop up to 1,500 bikers descending on their picturesque location.
People in Stanton-by-Bridge fear that a three-day event planned by the Motorcycle Action Group would swamp the village, which has a population of fewer than 300 people.
And they believe the noise from the hundreds of motorcycles and music played during the event would be overbearing.
Magic Action Promotions has applied to South Derbyshire District Council, on behalf of Motorcycle Action Group, for an entertainment licence for the event on July 22 to 24, which would coincide with the Moto GP at Donington.
Under the licence, alcohol would be sold at the campsite, on farmland off Ingleby Road, from noon until 2am and live music from a band and disco would be played until 1am.
But villagers are concerned about the plans and have written to the council, which will have the final say on the application, expressing their views.
Bob Wheat, 58, of Ingleby Road, said: "There really is no one in the village who wants the event to go ahead.
"Everyone is concerned about the number of bikers going through the village as Stanton-by-Bridge is fairly quiet and served only by a single track road.
"I'm also concerned about the disruption that it would cause, with not only the amount of traffic but also the plans for music to be played."
Heather Wheeler, district councillor for Repton, which covers Stanton-by-Bridge, is backing the villagers.
She said: "Visitors to South Derbyshire are always welcome but it had got to be in the appropriate places with the appropriate facilities. Two fields in a small village is completely, in my opinion, inappropriate.
"The licence application will go through the correct procedures at the council and I have strong hope that the licensing committee, having heard all the factors, will decide that it is not acceptable to grant a licence."
Event organiser Peter Walker, of Magic Action Promotions, said the idea was to provide a safe campsite for members of the Motorcycle Action Group, who are aged between 30 and 50.
He said: "We have to apply for an events licence to be able to sell alcohol and play music but the main point is that we will be operating a camp site.
"The event is designed for the discerning members of the group and it will be manned by marshal volunteers and security as well as having a trained medical team on hand. We are responsible people and the event is 150 per cent legal, operated by a morally responsible company."
People should make representations to the council by May 24. The licensing committee will discuss the application at a future meeting.
Link to News Story Here http://tinyurl.com/2ldo3t
Vote and Comment to the Editor Here http://tinyurl.com/3ybf7n
MAG Campaigns Manager letter to Council Here http://tinyurl.com/33bpb7
Issued by
Trevor Baird
Public Affairs Director
PO BOX 750
CV21 3ZR
Tel: +44 (0)870 444 8 448
Fax: +44 (0)870 444 8 449
Email public-affairs@mag-uk.org
The UK's Leading Riders' Rights Organisation

Edda Guđna
Never argue with an idiot.
They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.