Author Topic: Smá viðbót við FE söguna  (Read 1891 times)

Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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Smá viðbót við FE söguna
« on: February 23, 2007, 20:33:17 »
Fengið að láni frá Dove Manufacturing,þetta er skemmtileg saga GK kannast við þessa:

Once upon a time,


A young & somewhat naive enthusiast/manufacturer on a visit to California discovered all the Ford OEM patterns for aluminum manifolds, heads, and other mice. patterns---- after some inquiry on who owened the tooling I was told to see Ford Motor Company. After contacting SVO and advising them of the find they authorized me to go back and do ann inventory of the tooling. The reward for my effort was after Ford took possesion of the small block tooling that they were interested in I would take possesion of the rest of the tooling. There was all sorts of tooling left over for example all the FE manifolds from the 60s including the Cammer,302 Tunnel Port Cleveland manifolds, Hi-Riser, Medium-Riser, Tunnel Ports, and even a Y-Block pattern, not to mention the 289 3-2V  & 2-4V I was like a kid in a candy store!!! Being unexperienced in the ways of the world and thinking the foundry owners John & Bill were honest. I called ahead (dumb) to make arrangements to inventory as Ford had authorized. When i got there the shelves were bare and clean!!! Nothing left but a piece of a S.O.H.C blower manifold pattern. After some investigation I found out that an ex-cop from Palm Springs had taken the tooling  out of there. (I should not have called) even though he denies it  I have proof when you see the original Ford manifolds show up for sale from California, they were not made from new tooling!!! It is too late to have the people in question prosecuted but making a civil suite is possible.


I was young and dumb then it has been many years since this has happened. East Coast or West Coast a crooks are crooks.
Halldór Ragnarsson

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Jim Dove...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2007, 21:58:55 »
Ég hitti þennan Dove gaur á bílasýningu í Chichago í desember 1991. Hann var þar að sýna ný Medium Riser hedd. Talaði stuttlega við hann. Fannst þessi saga dálítið tacky eins og hann sjálfur. Alger okurpési og með þessar skrýtnu sögur, sem Jói kani er dálítið fyrir að segja ... svona væl .... rekst á svona væluskjóður inn á 385 chatrooms af og til

Hann lét þetta væl fylgja í öllum auglýsingum sem ég sá frá honum á þessum tíma: "The original tooling was stolen" whine whine whine ...  Svo ég spurði hann hvað komplett aluminum 427 side oiler myndi kosta.

Þá kom einhver langhundur um aðra hluti og svo talan ... svona 25 þúsund dollarar.  .... I´m still thinking about it....