Author Topic: Pontiac Phoenix  (Read 5152 times)

Offline ingvarp

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Pontiac Phoenix
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2007, 08:42:53 »
eina sem ég sagši var aš žaš er bśiš aš breyta bķlnum žannig aš ég kem 22" breyšum aš aftan ég set žaš aldrey undir  :lol:  ég set lķklegast 11" undir aš aftan  :wink:
Ingvar Pétur Žorsteinsson

UNDERSTEER is when you hit the wall forwards.
OVERSTEER is when you hit the wall backwards.
HORSEPOWER is how fast you hit the wall.
TORQUE is how far the wall moves after you hit it.

Offline JHP

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Pontiac Phoenix
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2007, 10:52:01 »
Eru svona pęlingar ķ gangi  :lol:

Hr Jón H Pétursson

Trans Am GTA “88
Corvette coupe “95
Corvette coupe “92

Offline ingvarp

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Pontiac Phoenix
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2007, 11:23:09 »
:lol: nei, ég er lķklegast aš fara eitthvaš aš vinna ķ honum ķ kvöld  :D
Ingvar Pétur Žorsteinsson

UNDERSTEER is when you hit the wall forwards.
OVERSTEER is when you hit the wall backwards.
HORSEPOWER is how fast you hit the wall.
TORQUE is how far the wall moves after you hit it.

Offline Įsgeir Y.

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Pontiac Phoenix
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2007, 23:53:20 »
Quote from: "Geir-H"
22" breišar aš aftan jį allt ķ lagi vinurinn :roll:

žaš er bśiš aš többa žennann, žetta er s.s. bķllinn sem bjössi į selfossi er bśinn aš vera aš vinna ķ sķšustu įr og var kominn meš sverustu dekk og felgur undir.. skošaši žetta hjį honum fyrir 2 įrum og jś.. ég er ekki frį žvķ aš 22" breišar myndu bara sleppa žarna inn undir
Įsgeir Yngvi Elvarsson

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Pontiac Phoenix
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2007, 00:02:25 »
Gott ef hann var ekki meš M/T Sportsman dekk aš aftan sem voru 33x21.5"
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!