Author Topic: Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?  (Read 3002 times)

Offline Rs

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« on: September 20, 2005, 02:42:19 »

I will be in Iceland for a few months, and I wanted to ship in my Ford Excursion truck instead of renting one.  Are American plates legal on Icelandic roads?

Takk fyrir,

Offline jeppakall

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 15:45:51 »
it´s no problem to get a driving permit on your car, you just have to talk to the custom office here and get a driving permit and prove that your here as a tourist not working in iceland. But if you are going to work here u have to get icelandic plates and pay money to the customs.

Best of luck, Ásgeir
Bara kítta´etta marr

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 09:01:23 »
I have been driving around for 8 weeks with dutch plates without any problem.
But Ásgeir is right, you should talk to the customs, if your staying at the one adress only.


Offline Rs

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2005, 06:35:35 »
Thanks guys!  I will just be on vacation as a tourist by myself, so I will contact the customs office for a permit.  One thing about this, there is no ferry like there is from Europe, so will have to ship my truck seperately and fly in.

Is there a IS website for 4x4s?  I'm trying to outfit my Excursion as much as I can to be prepared, and would like to see what is needed.  I run 37" tires, but I have seen pictures of little jap trucks with 44", so maybe I need more for highland roads, rivercrossings, snowfields, etc.


Offline ingo big

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2005, 08:02:03 » this is the main club

Ingþór J Eyþórsson

Offline jeppakall

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2005, 14:08:21 »
Just be aware of not jacking your car too high, for example if your bumpers are higher than 3.3 feet they will not allow you to drive here because your bumpers cant be higher than that to prevent other smaller cars can drive under yours.

Just cut the fender down as much as u can and bodylift it as little as possible. So that you keep the wheight as low as u can so it will be more stable.

Pls don´t raise it like this :

Do it more like we do like this!

This is a F-350 on 49" Tyres More pics :
Bara kítta´etta marr

Offline gstuning

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2005, 22:47:42 »
Also please remember to pay the Icelandic legal drivers club,
it´s 5000kr or $100,
personal id is 1111793449
and bank account number is 1109-26-000600

When payed you´ll get a reciept sent to you with your driving Icelandic driving license number
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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2005, 08:22:26 »
Quote from: "gstuning"
Also please remember to pay the Icelandic legal drivers club,
it´s 5000kr or $100,
personal id is 1111793449
and bank account number is 1109-26-000600

When payed you´ll get a reciept sent to you with your driving Icelandic driving license number

Please ignore this!

To gstuning (111179 3449 Gunnar Þ....):
Þó þetta eigi vonandi að vera fyndið þá er ekki víst að viðkomandi fatti það (útlendingar vita ekki að þetta er einstaklingskennitala).  

Hvað ætlar þú að gera ef hann sendir upphæðina á þinn reikning (sem gæti alveg gerst)?  Ætlar þú að hirða peninginn eða skila honum?  

Ef þú ætlar að hirða hann þá er það í fyrsta lagi ósiðlegt og líklegast er þetta á mörkum þess að vera ólöglegt.  

Hinn kosturinn (sá eini rétti) er að skila honum, og þú yrðir þá að bæta honum kostnað sem hann hefur haft af millifærslunni (það kostar að senda pening á milli landa).

En líklegast lítur hann á innleggið svipuðum augum og um Nígeríubréf væri að ræða og gæti dæmt okkar ágæta klúbb sem skúrka.
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Offline Rs

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Are US licenseplates allowed on roads?
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2005, 10:40:16 »
No problem guys.  I figured gstuning was only joking around, and that he didn't mean any harm.  I, of course, did not send him any money. :)

I that your truck jeppakall?  49" tires are huge, and that is a nice looking truck.  44" is the biggest I would ever go, but I would like to maintain appropriate street capability.  I do prefer the cut fender style to the style of lifting the entire body above the top of the tires, which looks a little stupid and probably will not perform very well.  I will put a post at, and see what they say about prepping my truck.
