Kvartmķlan > Evrópskt

Best BMW of SEMA - G-Power TWIN Supercharged E60 M5

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This was the best BMW of SEMA as chosen by BimmerBoost. We do not know why this car was not in a booth to get the attention it deserved. It was simply outside the North Hall with nobody really paying any attention to it. Obviously we noticed and just like the Mercedes we picked as best of show this car was chosen due to its looks as well as having the performance to back it up. The bodywork was molded for the most part which just looked great, especially the trunk. The car actually pulled off its yellow paint quite well. We wish we had more details on it and perhaps we will get them at a later date.

Helvķtis kvikindin stįlu paint-job hugmyndinni minni  :mrgreen:

Žetta er bara fegurš!!

Ég myndi allavega ekki kvarta..... mikiš.... yfir žvķ aš hafa žetta apparat inni ķ skśr heima ;)

Ekki er hann nś fallegur en žaš er eflaust ekkert leišinlegt aš keyra žetta.

Hann er rosalegur !!!

Annars fķla ég E30, E36 og E39 M5 meira  :mrgreen:


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