Author Topic: Oldsmobil  (Read 2890 times)

Offline GesturM

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« on: January 11, 2011, 20:54:58 »
Hvaš er af Oldsmobil 98 į Ķslandi ?
Gestur Mįr Žorsteinsson
Pontiac Trans am WS6 1996
Oldsmobile 98 Regency 1955
Ford Thunderbird 1964

Offline Heišar Broddason

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Re: Oldsmobil
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 21:42:08 »
Žórir Gķslason į einn į Egilsstöšum minnir mig

kv Heišar Brodda
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Re: Oldsmobil
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 18:09:41 »
ég įtti einn svona 82 įrgerš frekar en 83, var upprunalega disel.  sama boddż og impala meš ljótum framenda
ķvar markśsson

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Re: Oldsmobil
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 21:15:08 »
Man nś eftir einum žegar ég įtti "Delta Royalinn" fyrir vel rśmum 20 įrum.
Žaš var Olds 98 Regency 4ja dyra "74.
Žennan risapramma įtti leigubķlstjóri į žessum tķma
sem heitir Ögmundur og keyrši hjį BSR.
Aš sjįlfsögšu var 455 ķ honum og allt rafdrifiš 8-) :shock:
Andrés Gušmundsson

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Offline GesturM

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Re: Oldsmobil
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2011, 21:50:48 »
Hvaš er til af žeim frį 1950 til 1960?
Gestur Mįr Žorsteinsson
Pontiac Trans am WS6 1996
Oldsmobile 98 Regency 1955
Ford Thunderbird 1964

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Re: Oldsmobil
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 07:15:20 »
Žaš eru alla vega til 1 '54, 2 '58 og 1 '60 Oldsmobile hér,  en ég held aš žaš séu allt 88 bķlar. Enginn 98 aš ég held.

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