Author Topic: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.  (Read 15343 times)

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Ekki að nenna að þýða þetta en....


This guy has collected HUNDREDS of acres of cars! NOBODY knows about this place. Its in the middle of nowhere in RI. The owner is working on CRUSHING all these vintage cars! He has been instructed by the state to get rid of all the cars. It will take years to crush all these cars and the owner is 70 years old. I have no idea what will become of the largest junkyard I have ever seen. Nobody knows of this place. Thousands of these classics will go to waste. Here is mostly mustang pictures I took . There us Hundreds of 64-71 Mutangs. Boss, mach 1, many many convertibles, K codes, fastbacks.. Maybe shelbys? The owner is crazy. He's always drunk is very hard to deal with. He's in another world. He said he personally DROVE nearly all the cars in a field in the 60's-70 and left them there for dead. Many are rusted beyond repair. But there still many parts cars. It will take about two weeks of walking 5 hours a day to see all the cars here. Plus many of them are so buried in overgrown trees and prickers there is no way to see them. I seen a dozen complete 392 hemi cars. This guy refuses to advertise, so nobody knows about it. Believe it or not the guy is still buying cars and driving them in the woods. The last time i was there the owner bought a running 60's mustang and drove it in the woods to be left for dead.

Some people may see these pictures and see this and think this mess is illegal, well it may be, but the state is aware of it and they have ordered him to clean it up. He is cleaning it, just very slowly. He is 70 years old and when he dies or goes fully blind (he is almost blind) The junkyard will be taken over by the state and over 20,000 classic cars will be destroyed. I do not have the owners phone number. He will sell parts or cars, but is hard to deal with and if you go there he will usually walk you to the car you need parts for if he's not too drunk. He will not let you wander around the yard by yourself to look at whatever you want.

I know I will get endless emails about this so I will give you all the info I have right here.

If you want to see this massive junkyard from a map view I found it on google maps. You can see the cars scattered in the woods.
According to google maps location is called "brant trail". Scroll over from that location and follow the trail of junk in the woods.

Gaman að skoða kort af staðnum á Google Maps:,+west+greenwich+ri&sll=41.648064,-71.626031&sspn=0.007536,0.013819&g=60+weaver+hill+rd,+west+greenwich+ri&ie=UTF8&ll=41.641297,-71.625881&spn=0.007537,0.013819&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr
Magnús Sigurðsson.
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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 23:50:42 »
Eina sem ég hef að segja er VÁ! :shock:
Stefán Ingi Ingvason

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 23:53:41 »
Já sæll :shock: eflaust hægt að finna eitthvað skemtilegt þarna :D
Gisli gisla

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 00:51:23 »
This guy has collected HUNDREDS of acres of cars! NOBODY knows about this place. Its in the middle of nowhere in RI. The owner is working on CRUSHING all these vintage cars! He has been instructed by the state to get rid of all the cars. It will take years to crush all these cars and the owner is 70 years old. I have no idea what will become of the largest junkyard I have ever seen. Nobody knows of this place. Thousands of these classics will go to waste. Here is mostly mustang pictures I took . There us Hundreds of 64-71 Mutangs. Boss, mach 1, many many convertibles, K codes, fastbacks.. Maybe shelbys? The owner is crazy. He's always drunk is very hard to deal with. He's in another world. He said he personally DROVE nearly all the cars in a field in the 60's-70 and left them there for dead. Many are rusted beyond repair. But there still many parts cars. It will take about two weeks of walking 5 hours a day to see all the cars here. Plus many of them are so buried in overgrown trees and prickers there is no way to see them. I seen a dozen complete 392 hemi cars. This guy refuses to advertise, so nobody knows about it. Believe it or not the guy is still buying cars and driving them in the woods. The last time i was there the owner bought a running 60's mustang and drove it in the woods to be left for dead.

Some people may see these pictures and see this and think this mess is illegal, well it may be...

ætli þetta sé chevrolet maður? :roll: :lol:
(neinei, segi bara svona) :mrgreen:
en vá, það væri örugglega gaman að kíkja þangað, kannski finndi maður gott project

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2008, 04:37:36 »
verð nú að segja að ég vona að einhver skýtur karlinn og fer svo að koma bílunum í betri hendur.
Davíð Stefánsson
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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 18:53:14 »
alltaf jafn sorglegt að sjá svona
Jakob Jónsson

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 02:10:18 »
tékkið á google map linknum og zoomið vel að...sést hvað þetta er stórt svæði og í bíla þarna inn á milli trjánna og þannig...fucking hell sko!
Halldór Kristófer

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2008, 10:53:01 »

(þeð er nú reyndar einn svona chevy pickuð að grotna niður upp í sveit hjá afa)

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2008, 20:31:41 »
Já sæll hvar er hann að grotna niður?? Helduru að afi þinn láti hann ekki... Mig DAUÐLANGAR í svona pickup ég skal bjarga honum í sama hvaða ástandi hann er.. Þetta yrði margra ára projectið mitt og gert almennilega...

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2008, 00:26:22 »
Hann er á vestfjörðum, hann er mikið verri en þessi.
Hann er með stóran pall, þetta er ekkert lítill bíll.

Einn maður þóttist eiga hann lengi og ætlaði alltaf að ná í hann, þá var hann í góðu lagi og enginn mátti fá hann... svo stóð hann lengi úti og er eiginlega orðinn af ekki neinu.

Hann á líka 2 gamla benz vörubíla og 2 International TD-14

Offline bluetrash

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2008, 14:17:25 »
Ef útlit hússins er svona tá langar mig í hann... Nema einhver viti um svona gamlan chevy pickup einhverstadar???? Mig DAUDLANGAR í svona pickup. Gamlan hardcore pickup sem er í uppgerdar ástandi..

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2008, 14:19:11 »
Ef útlit hússins er svona tá langar mig í hann... Nema einhver viti um svona gamlan chevy pickup einhverstadar???? Mig DAUDLANGAR í svona pickup. Gamlan hardcore pickup sem er í uppgerdar ástandi..
Þetta er nú samt eiginlega vörubíll... húsið er samt svona einhvern veginn

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2008, 22:08:40 »
Hann á líka 2 gamla benz vörubíla og 2 International TD-14

Eru þessir bílar og nallar inn í Djúpi??
Guðsteinn Oddsson
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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2008, 03:43:03 »
Hann á líka 2 gamla benz vörubíla og 2 International TD-14

Eru þessir bílar og nallar inn í Djúpi??

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 Þórarinn Ágúst Freysson

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Offline Moli

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2008, 19:49:50 »
jújú... '68 Camaro af myndinni að dæma.
Magnús Sigurðsson.
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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2009, 02:10:19 »
Þetta er eginlega bara alveg grátlegt, Menn hafa verið skotnir fyrir minna  :-(

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 03:02:25 »
það jákvæða við þetta er að þetta er greinilega Ford kall  :mrgreen:

En er ekki megnið af þessu stolið bara,Það er ekki lítið sem þarf af peningum í svona söfnun.
Hr Jón H Pétursson

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2009, 00:09:11 »

En er ekki megnið af þessu stolið bara,Það er ekki lítið sem þarf af peningum í svona söfnun.

Nákvæmlega það sem manni dettur í hug. Og að ENGINN viti af þessu???:):)

Offline Olafur_Orn

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Re: Stór Mustang Junkyard á Long Island, allt á leið í pressu.
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2010, 16:45:58 »
Ég skil ekki hvernig þið fáið út mustang junk yard? Það stendur Vintage cars.
Og ég sé ekkert nema sjaldgæfa vintage bíla þarna.  :-(
En ég held að vinur minn hafi verið að eignast bíl þaðan, bíl sem að sonur
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