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Messages - erikthegreat

Pages: [1]
Kvartmķludót Til Sölu/Óskast Keypt / chevy 4.3
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:26:27 »
anybody with a 4.3l for sell for cheap

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« on: June 05, 2010, 13:20:22 »
what I would do to get this car. My dad has a 66 goat 389 with three dueces and growing up with it, it became my dream car. even though this is lemans its better than a tempest and not hard to make it a GTO. Even then before this they were known as LeMans GTO.

BĶLAR til sölu. / Subaru Legacy “91
« on: February 22, 2010, 15:58:03 »
-Tegund & undirtegund : Subaru Legacy Station
-Įrgerš : 1991
-Litur: Ljósblįr
-Vélarstęrš : 1800cc
-Sjįlfskiptur/Beinskiptur : Beinskiptur meš hi og lo drifi
-Akstur skv męli : man ekki i augnablikinu enn žaš er eitthvaš rétt yfir 200 žśs, bęti žvķ inn žegar ég er bśinn aš athuga žaš
-Nęsta skošun (val) nśmerin eru innlögš og hann er bśinn aš standa ķ sirka 1 og hįlft įr
-Verš eša veršhugmynd : 50 žśs eša besta boš, hendiš ķ mig tilbošum
-Įhvķlandi (val) 0
-Afborganir (val) 0
-Eldsneyti (Bensķn/Diesel) Bensķn
-Dyrafjöldi 5 dyra station
-Įstand bifreišar : hann er meš ónżtan rafgeymi.. annaš enn žaš er hann ķ góšu standi
-Dekk/Felgur : er į stįlfelgum og į nagladekkjum
-Aukabśnašur (ef žaš į viš) geislaspilari
-Sķmanśmer/Netfang seljanda 8651240 Linda eša eša getiš skellt į mig pm og ég kem žvķ til seljanda

Bķlinn er staddur į Akureyri

Bķlar Óskast Keyptir. / SUV that needs TLC
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:28:32 »
looking for a SUV that needs lots of TLC anything pre 80s does not need to run but engine cannot be destroyed. also looking for early to mid 70s chevy shortbed any condition as long as the frame isn“t bent. if any farms that are known to have rusting classics send an email to or on here. Thank You

Ford / 351
« on: June 27, 2009, 16:51:02 »
looking to buy 351w block. contact me here or 6937740

Ford / Re: Ford mótor
« on: June 27, 2009, 16:49:40 »
is it sold, how much are you asking for it?

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