Kvartmílan => Almennt Spjall => Topic started by: baldur on January 26, 2016, 16:56:19

Title: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: baldur on January 26, 2016, 16:56:19
Nú þarf ekki lengur að bakka upp met hjá NHRA.
Back-up run certification no longer required for NHRA national records
Monday, January 25, 2016 This kind of changes things.
NHRA’s competition committee has announced that the longstanding 1-percent back-up policy to certify national record performances in the NHRA Mello Yello Series, J&A Service Pro Mod Series, and Lucas Oil Series Alcohol categories will no longer be required at NHRA Drag Racing Series events starting in 2016.
Under this new policy, NHRA teams who post performances for elapsed time and speed that are quicker or faster than the existing national records at any time during any national event, will be eligible for the national record. The driver holding the record at the conclusion of the race will be credited with the record. As is currently the case with all national speed records and Alcohol elapsed time records, points will no longer be awarded for elapsed time national records.
“The one-percent policy was adopted during the early development stages of the timing system and wasn’t as reliable as the technology that we are fortunate to have in race control today,” said Graham Light, NHRA senior vice president of racing operations. “We will still examine every national record run to make sure the incremental numbers support the performance, in addition to inspecting every vehicle for compliance with class requirements.”
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: 1965 Chevy II on January 26, 2016, 20:46:42
Og engin stig heldur fyrir met ef ég les rétt úr þessu.
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: Kristján Skjóldal on February 04, 2016, 14:06:27
Ok en það hafa oft komið upp rugll tímar hjá okkur. standa þeir þá bara ef það gerist ?og hver ætlar að standa á því að hann sé réttur eða ekki????
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: 1965 Chevy II on February 05, 2016, 09:52:28
Ég myndi halda óbreyttu fyrirkomulagi hér, stjórnin/keppnisstjóri hljóta að geta ráðið því.
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: SPRSNK on February 05, 2016, 09:54:40
Eru ekki reglur í gildi sem þarf að breyta á Ársþingi AKÍS/MSÍ - ef vilji er fyrir breytingum?
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: Dodge on February 05, 2016, 10:15:19
Við förum eftir FIA reglum, hafa þær nokkuð breist?

Ástandið á tímatökubúnaði, guard beam og þessháttar hefur ekki verið það beisið hér að við getum sleppt backuppinu að mínu mati.
Title: Re: Breyttar metareglur hjá NHRA
Post by: Jón Bjarni on February 05, 2016, 10:36:09
Èg er sammála stebba, það er ekki gáfulegt að svo stöddu að hætta með backup ferðir.