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Messages - maggifinn

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Almennt Spjall / Re: Flokkur ķ anda HAMB drags
« on: May 13, 2014, 00:32:44 »
Žaš er til fullt af hressum strįkum og stelpum sem tildęmis leigja saman ašstöšu sem vęru ķ litlum vandręšum meš aš henda saman ķ einn svona bķl, bara skemmtileg og ódżr leiš til aš upplifa spennuna og stemmninguna viš aš koma meš eigiš sitt hugverk til aš keppa og leika sér meš öšrum ķ žessu frįbęra įhugamįli.

Hér eru sambęrilegar reglur sem keppt er eftir į Tulsa Raceway Park:

SDRA Rules, Ventage Gas Dragsters
SDRA 2014 Rules

General Information:

Vintage Gas Dragster refers to the type of car, not the age of these cars.

Vintage Dragsters should be built to resemble drag cars of the late 40’s, early 50’s. They should conform to today’s safety standards. This will mainly impact the roll cage area. This is to satisfy track and insurance requirements. (YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFTEY AND INTEGRITY OF YOUR CAR.)

Vintage Gas Dragsters rule changes must be voted on by car owners and passed by 60% of the members. Each car gets one vote. ONLY car owners that are current dues paying members of SDRA can vote. All competition points earned by that car stay with that car. And points totaled at Dec. 31st or sooner for the year.

Important - The idea of these cars and rules is that a person working a 40 hour week or is on a limited budget can have and enjoy a race car. No car shall be quicker than 11.50 seconds that will be considered a "break out", causing a loss, If both Break out the closer to 11.50 sec. wins. Any questions, please feel free to ask.

#1 – ENGINE:

Inline and flathead V8’s motors – stock iron blocks. Flatheads motors may run aluminum heads. OHV inline motors must run original type IRON head and IRON block. Porting and polishing allowed. Cars with cooling systems or water tanks must have a radiator cap and over flow catch can.

NO: - Overhead Cam motors, Overhead valve V8’s or V6’s. No Superchargers, Turbochargers, or Nitrous oxide.

#2 – IGNITIONS:  Any


Carbs must have anti siphon device(s), such as velocity stack(s), air cleaner(s), or air scoop(s) in the 40’s and 50’s style.

#4 – FUELS:

Pump gas or Racing gas only. NO ALCOHOL.


AUTOMATICS ALLOWED, STALL CONVERTERS ALLOWED. Must have a WORKING neutral safety switch, and a reverse lockout. Shift light ok. Cars should have an NHRA style shield around the flex plate area.

No Trans brakes.

Standard transmissions must have a reverse lock out with a neutral safety switch, and run a ¼” 360 degree scatter shield if using stock bell housing. Flywheels and clutch assembly should be new, not rebuilt. Racing components preferred.



NHRA requires all cars to have a floorboard or belly pan to protect the driver from debris. Floorboards over the transmission area are to be of the following material and go to the rear of the seat;

Steel - .024 min.  Aluminum - .032min.

An SFI certified blanket may be used in place of a floorboard over the transmission.


A 6 inch max. rear tire tread width, automotive DOT street tire only. Radial or Bias ply OK. Rear wheels can be any diameter but no wider than 6 inches. Steel wheels recommended. No slicks or cheater slicks of any design allowed.


Cars must be equipped with an engine mounted starter and be self-starting. Batteries must be securely mounted in a box. Cars must have a MASTER Cut Off switch mounted on the REAR of the car. A solid RED light must be attached to the REAR of the car for night racing. Brakes can be foot and/or hand operated and must be in good working order.  No line locks.


Driver must wear a full face helmet. Snell 2005 or later, or approved by NHRA, and at least a single layer fire retardant jacket and pants or suit and leather shoes, Neck, arm restraints, gloves and a 5 point safety restraint harness that is SFI approved and up to date is required. Ref. NHRA.

#10 – CHASSIS:

Mild steel tubing of .125” wall, (a wall thickness greater than .118 will meet NHRA spec.. Stock or modified frame rails, 3” OD x .125” wall round, 1-1/2” x 3” rectangular tube, 3” x 2” x.125” C channel, are acceptable. NO Chrome moly.

Stock width rear axle preferred. (52” min track width). Rear end to be solid mounted with a min of 3ea. Grade 8, 3/8” bolts per side. An anti-rotation device should be used. 52" min track width measured center of tire to center of tire.

Front axle width 40” min (king pin to king pin). A sprung front axle is recommended, solid mounting is optional. Positive caster recommended.

Wheel base; 92” min., 130” max

Driver’s seat bottom must be between the axles. NO sling shot style cars.

Grade 5 or better bolts and capture washers required on all heims.

ALL cars must have a fire wall, side panels, cowl and Floorboard or belly pan, to protect the driver.




A 5 point cages can use 1-5/8” x .125 wall tubing; main hoop must be 2” over driver’s helmet, with the front hoop 3” min. in front of the driver’s helmet.

A 6 point cages can use 1-1/2” x .125” tubing; main hoop must be 2” over driver’s helmet, with the front hoop 3” in front of the driver’s helmet.

See NHRA rule book for cage construction details.


If an open drive line is used: a safety loop (2” x ¼” strap) must be installed within 6” of the center line of each U joint. Floor boards or steel drive-shaft cover must separate the driver from the drive shaft.


Any box converted to center steer; Vega, Corvair, etc., SPE or the like. No excessive play. Grade 8 bolts or better required and capture washers.

Almennt Spjall / Re: Flokkur ķ anda HAMB drags
« on: April 28, 2014, 20:06:12 »
Aukiš svigrśm einsog 6cyl lķnukrafan vęri tekin śt til aš hleypa inn 4cyl, og toppventlavélar leyfšar mešan sķlendrar fara ekki yfir 6.

Almennt Spjall / Flokkur ķ anda HAMB drags
« on: April 28, 2014, 18:54:41 »
Hvernig litist mönnum į aš koma upp flokki ķ anda HAMB-drags keppnanna?
Žetta mętti opna ašeins, til aš aušvelda partaleit į ķslandi og gera žetta ódżrara.
Ég held aš žetta vęri rosa gaman ef hressir strįkar og stelpur męta meš nokkra bķla og spreyta sig.


1. Stock or modified stock frame rails, rectangular tube or round tube 3′’ diameter or larger.
2. Stock width front axles and rear ends only.
3. All cars must be equipped with a minimum four point roll bar of 1 3/4″ tubing with a main hoop higher than the driver’s head and 2 support bars down to the frame towards the firewall. Tubing must meet NHRA minimum wall thickness for application.
4. Cars with keyed axles must use hub safety retainers.
5. Closed drivelines are encouraged. If open driveline is used driveshaft must have a 1 1/2″ x 1/4″ “driveshaft loop” within 6 1/2″ of front and rear universal joints and be totally covered/sealed off from driver with steel or aluminum floor pan.
6. Cars must have cowl or body and proper floor boards/belly pan to prevent driver’s legs from exiting vehicle in event of a crash. firewall mandatory.
7. No “slingshot” chassis. Driver and engine must be positioned between the front and rear axles.
8. Cars must be equipped with an engine mounted starter and be self starting.
9. Batteries must be securely mounted and fully enclosed.
10. All cars must have a master battery cutoff switch accessible from outside the car.
11. All cars must have at least one red rear running light for night racing.
12. Flathead v8 or inlines, pre-1962 inline engines with stock cylinder blocks only. No exotic aftermarket inline six overhead valve heads (Wayne). No OHV V8s or V6s. (If you are looking to run a straight 6 with exotic heads or a flathead with an o/h conversion, contact Ryan for some good news.)
13. Engines must be naturally aspirated. No superchargers, turbos, nitrous oxide or fuel injection.
14. No electronic ignition boxes that mount outside the distributor or “coil in cap” HEIs. Conversions such as “ignitor” or “stinger” that fit within a stock dist cap are allowed. Aftermarket magnetos not allowed.
15. Pump gas/racing gas only. No Methanol, nitromethane, or alcohol.
16. Era specific carbs only, stock appearing- no modern Holley, Edelbrock, or other aftermarket carbs.
17. Fuel lines can have no single rubber piece longer than 24″, must be fastened by hose clamps, not hard or cracked.
18. Cars equipped with a cooling system or water tank must use a radiator cap and overflow/catch can system.
19. Automatic transmissions are not allowed. All cars with clutches must run a stamped steel bell housing or a 1/4″ scatter shield.
20. Cars must have rims no wider than 6″ and only bias ply street treaded tires allowed. No radials, slicks, or cheater slicks allowed. Tire tread width must measure no more than 6″.
21. Drivers must wear full face helmet, single layer (or more) fire retardant jacket or suit, gloves, jeans (or fire retardant pants), and leather shoes.
22. Five point NHRA approved safety harness required.
23. All cars must be of general soundness and safety. Must have all lug nuts, sound steering, cotter pins in place, and heim ends “captured” etc. Must pass all tracks general safety rules.
24. No electronic/pneumatic drivers aids such as rev limiters, two steps, shift lights or electric shifters. Tachometers are allowed if they don’t have a rev limiter or a shift light.
25. Cars must be built in the spirit of the “Bug” and other early rail jobs. If ya aren’t familiar, ya better ask…
26. All HA/GR cars are required to run a H.A.M.B. Logo in a visible location.

Hér er stutt vķdjó af einu svona apparrati; Hamb Gas Dragster setting new ET record

Almennt Spjall / Re: Hśsnęšismįl fyrir delluna !!!
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:52:42 »
Žetta fyrirkomulag er ķ flugklśbbnum ķ mķnum heimabę, og er eftirfarandi:

Skżli eru fyrir fisflugvélar félagsmanna svo og tęki og vélar félagsins. Stęši ķ skżli  skulu leigš śt og mišast eingöngu viš fisflugvélar. Eitt stęši mišast viš meš uppsetta vęngi og ½ stęši mišast viš fis sem er ekki meš uppsetta vęngi, enda fer mun minna fyrir žvķ. Hętti einhver og byrjar aftur getur viškomandi ekki krafist žess aš fį stęšiš sitt aftur ef skżli eru full. Ekki er leyfilegt aš įfram leigja stęšiš öšrum. Stjórn Sléttunnar sér um aš leigja śt stęši og skulu undirritašir samningar žar um.
Žeir félagsmenn sem eru fullgildir félagar ķ Fisfélaginu Sléttunni geta byggt einka flugskżli į félagssvęši Sléttunnar ef samžykki meirihluta liggur fyrir, įsamt leyfi frį bęjaryfirvöldum. Byggingar į Sléttu svęšinu eru eingöngu leyfilegar į fyrirfram įkvešnum byggingarreitum samkvęmt skipulagi svęšisins og žurfa aš standast allar reglur varšandi buršaržol. Skilyrt er aš skżliš sé eingöngu notaš til geymslu flugvéla en ekki til leigu fyrir annaš eins og t.d. bķla, hjólhżsi eš bśslóšir. Śtleiga er eingöngu leyfileg fyrir fis eša flugvélar. Skżliš žarf aš vera fullgert aš utan og snyrtilegt svo ekki skapist hętta vegna foks. Skilyrt er aš eigandi skżlisins sé fullgildur mešlimur ķ  Fisfélaginu Sléttunni. Ef mešlimur gengur śr félaginu er hann skuldbundinn til aš selja skżliš į sanngjörnu verši samkvęmt hlutlausum matsmönnum til dęmis fasteignasölum og į Fisfélagiš Sléttan forkaupsrétt og sķšan gengur nęsti kaupréttur til félagsmanna Sléttunnar. Ef ekki semst um sölu skżlis innan tveggja įra žarf eigandinn aš sjį um aš fjarlęgja skżliš.

Almennt Spjall / Re: HVER ER BESTUR?
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:45:55 »
Ég tek heilshugar undir žetta meš ykkur strįkar. Bęsi er yfirburšamašur ķ alla staši

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Re: blį Dakota ķ uppgerš
« on: April 27, 2014, 18:55:23 »
Gaman aš sjį svona dśndurmetnaš. Veršur örugglega žręlflottur hjį ykkur, enda flottir og skemmtilegir bķlar.

Hlekkir / Re: Horseshit Nationals 2013
« on: April 21, 2014, 21:02:58 »
Žetta hefur veriš frįbęr dagur.

Almennt Spjall / Hękkar sól, styttist ķ gśmmķlykt
« on: April 21, 2014, 16:26:32 »
Hvernig koma menn og braut undan vetri?
Verša opnir dagar eitthvaš fyrir fyrstu keppni įrsins?

 Heyrši fregnir af nżjum sellum og tķmatökubśnaši, hvernig er žaš?
 Hlakka til aš sjį ykkur sem flest fljótlega į brautinni :spol:

Hlekkir / Allt samkvęmt stöšlum
« on: October 08, 2013, 20:17:05 »
Flott braut, frįbęr keppni, glęsilegir bķlar.  Einn įttundi.


Žiš eruš algjörlega meš žetta į hreinu.

 Gaman aš sjį fręndurna berjast į ljósunum, žį Kjarra Kjartans og Kristjįn Stefįns.

Trakkiš og ašstęšur almennt voru ekki beint lķklegar til metaslįttar.

 En žaš dśndraši enginn į vegginn og engin olķupanna tęmdist mér vitanlega. Er žaš vel

Žetta tókst meš ólķkindum vel mišaš viš erfišar ašstęšur.

 Takk fyrir okkur.

Almennt Spjall / Re: Kvartmķla / götuspyrna
« on: August 18, 2013, 18:12:34 »
žetta er flott og žörf umręša.  =D>

  Ef žetta sport vęri aušvelt, žį er gefiš mįl aš žaš nęšu allir nżlišar įrįngri strax.

 Žaš var hvorki einfalt, ódżrt né aušvelt aš dżfa sér ķ Opna Flokkinn žegar viš hófum žį vegferš į kryppuni, aš keyra 6.80 meš index uppį 5.60.
 Žetta tekur allt sinn tķma og žeir sem hafa nįš įrįngri ķ žessu sporti eru žeir sem hafa veriš lengst aš. Er žaš ekki ešlilegast?

 Reis į föstu indexi eša brakket er ekki aušvelt sport. Heads up er žaš ekki heldur.
 Fjölgun flokka fękkar keppendum per flokk, fękkun ferša fyrir śtslįtt minnkar atganginn į brautinni. Žaš er ķ mörg horn aš lķta. Įhorfendur vilja lķka fį eitthvaš fyrir aurinn.

 .007 finish line

Almennt Spjall / Re: Sandspyrna į saušįrkróki 22. Jśnķ
« on: June 18, 2013, 22:45:28 »
Myndir af frį Akureyrarbrautinni.

 Žetta hlżtur aš vera eitthvaš fyrir alla heads-up reiserana aš sjį...

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Re: Dodge RAM 2500HD CTD !
« on: June 18, 2013, 18:07:12 »
Strįkar strįkar... Žessi bķll tók ekki eitt run hjį okkur... Hvorki ķ tķmatöku eša ķ keppni

Žessi tķmi sem hann er aš pósta hérna upp er eitthvaš śr einhverju GPS tęki sem hann er meš ķ bķlnum eša eitthvaš svoleišis.

 Ahh sé žaš nśna,,,,,, samkv. Gtech..


Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Re: Dodge RAM 2500HD CTD !
« on: June 18, 2013, 17:31:28 »
1.66 60fet hjį žér eru žį, sżnist mér fljótt į litiš, nęstbestu sextķu fetin ķ allri keppninni  :!:

 Gśdd sjitt.

Ford / Re: Loksins 10 sek.
« on: June 03, 2013, 21:13:49 »
Flottur įfangi og frįbęr įrangur,
 Til hamingju.

Glęsilegar myndir strįkar.
 Takk fyrir.

Myndir og video frį višburšum Kvartmķluklśbbsins / Re: Myndir
« on: April 27, 2013, 20:18:55 »
Flott Gix, takk fyrir žetta.

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