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Messages - Bird

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Žaš var 1971-“72 Plymouth Roadrunner/satellite į Akranesi fyrir ca. 20, "appilsķnugulur" meš svörtum röndum ( var alltaf nišri į vesturgötu ), hvaš varš um žennan bķl og leynist kannski einhver eintök ennžį einhvern stašar ķ bķlskśr hérna į klakanum?

Leit aš bķlum og eigendum žeirra. / Pontiac Firebird '70
« on: July 04, 2005, 19:07:45 »

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / er į leišinni til landsins
« on: June 24, 2004, 20:58:16 »
Til hamingju meš žennan Trans og vonandi sjįum viš hann nż dressašan fljótlega!!!!!!!!!

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Camaro į fęribandi
« on: April 28, 2004, 20:49:43 »
Ég sendi gömlum vini mķnum ķ Ohio sem vann ķ LORDSTOWN žessar myndir, og fékk žetta til baka.

Hi --

    These guys had to work FAST to get their PART
installed onto a car. The CARS were always moving , Even when an
ENGINE is installed into the FRAME area , BUT the MOTORS were
installed BEFORE the BODY was put on the cars sometimes.     I
worked in the LORDSTOWN  OHIO , CHEVY--FIREBIRD     automobile
Factory from late 1966, until early 1970  . For a long time ,we
only had 45 Seconds  to do our job. One job i had was to install 4
Spark wires, the Distributor  Wire, two RADIO  ground straps  ,
and install two bolts onto a MOTOR  , when it came down the
assembly line.  I would put the FRONT two wires onto the PLUGS on
one side , then under the bottom clip, then put these TWO wires
into the Right holes. Then i would step to the Other side and do
the same thing again. After the last 2 wires were in place, then i
would hook up the 2 brass ground straps that was for the RADIO  .
All this had to be done in LESS than 60 SECONDS.  THAT was for a
V-8  motor .  For a 6 Cylinder, i had to install all 6  wires and
get them into the Right holes or the car would  not start right at
the End of the Assembly line if one of the Wires was in the wrong
hole . ALL this time , the Motors were Moving , and Hanging from
an overhead chain assembly that was on a big Track .  At that time
there was a NEW finished CAR going off the END of the Assembly
line ,every MINUTE  .At that time , it took at least 18 to 20
hours from START to Finish to complete an Automobile .With a lot
of cars on each line ,all through the plant, it took that amount
of time to do one CAR  .

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / 1967 - “68 Firebird
« on: April 27, 2004, 20:19:39 »
Veit einhver eitthvaš um žennan? Ég tók žessa mynd fyrir ca. 20 įrum!

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Bķlar spjallverja
« on: April 19, 2004, 12:43:20 »
Ég į žessa 1999 Sonotu og “86 Dodge Ram.

Almennt Spjall / Porsche į 64 millur
« on: April 15, 2004, 23:36:59 »
Heyrši aš gaurinn hefši selt kaupréttinn fyrir 3 millur - en sel žaš samt ekki dżrara en ég keypti žaš :roll:

Almennt Spjall / Jay Leno
« on: March 23, 2004, 22:38:49 » Ég var aš glugga ķ fleiri greinar eftir hann.

Almennt Spjall / Firebird
« on: March 22, 2004, 19:55:53 »
Hvaš kostaši aš flytja svona Firebird Formula inn??

Almennt Spjall / Hver į žennann Bird??
« on: February 13, 2004, 00:14:44 »
Hérna er mynd af uppgjörinu į žessum 1970 Firebird!!  :lol:

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Junkyard
« on: February 05, 2004, 12:26:36 »
:cry:  Žaš vęri kannski hęgt aš hirša eitthvaš af žessu brotajįrni!!!!!!!!!! :(

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / TRANS AM THE BEST!!
« on: February 03, 2004, 22:33:11 »
Hann er seldur! į 32.000$ (rśmar 2 ķslenskar millur).

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / TRANS AM THE BEST!!
« on: February 03, 2004, 06:44:13 »
:shock: Žetta er bara sį allra flottasti,  :roll:  vildi ég ętti 3 - 4 millur!!!!

Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar / Tryllitęki Daušans
« on: January 31, 2004, 03:21:03 »
Frįbęrt  Mįrus!! :lol: Hlakka til aš sjį “ann į götunni!!!

Almennt Spjall / Raušur chevelle SS ķ mosó?
« on: January 22, 2004, 18:25:28 »
Hann er bśin aš gera hann upp einu sinni, svo aš hann ętti ekki aš vera ķ vandręšum aš gera žaš aftur!!!! :lol:  :roll:

Almennt Spjall / ķslenska pontiac sķšan?
« on: December 02, 2003, 17:51:37 »
Žaš veršur endilega aš halda lķfi ķ henni. :D

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