Author Topic: Pęliš ķ žessu!!  (Read 2745 times)

Offline Įrni Elfar

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« on: February 06, 2005, 21:29:40 »
Įrni J.Elfar.

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Re: Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2005, 21:33:36 »
Quote from: "VETT-1"
Ekki fyrir viškvęma :?

Gamla góša krómiš klikkar ekki annaš en žetta drasl sem bošiš er uppį ķ dag! (bķllin eins og haugur en krómiš eins og nżtt :wink: )
Mustang er mįliš !

Offline Įrni Elfar

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 21:47:59 »
Jį, ótrślegt. Žessar Corvettur kosta nokkra miša uppgeršar. :shock:
Įrni J.Elfar.

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 22:44:45 »

This is one of the baddest Chevy powered cars ever made. Take the time to check out this whole
website to get the history. It's was almost to Chevy what the Cobra was to Ford. The car originally came
with a Bill Thomas modified 327, punched out to 377 with a double Rochester fuel injection unit,
this motor made a real 520 h.p. In 1963. In a car that weighed in at 1520 lbs dry. Oh my goodness.This car definitely can be classified as rotting muscle.
Please check this out. Thank you, Weldon
Einar Kristjįnsson

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2005, 23:03:27 »
:shock:  djöfull er dapurlegt aš sjį alla žessa bķla......

Offline Įrni Elfar

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2005, 23:16:52 »
Quote from: "siggik"
:shock:  djöfull er dapurlegt aš sjį alla žessa bķla......

Jį, įttu tissjś....buhuuu
Įrni J.Elfar.

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2005, 23:20:16 »
kaldhęšni eša  :wink:

btw smį OT, vett, hvaš er emailkiš žitt žarf aš henda į žig smį spurningum

Offline Įrni Elfar

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Pęliš ķ žessu!!
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2005, 23:28:17 »
Quote from: "siggik"
kaldhęšni eša  :wink:

btw smį OT, vett, hvaš er emailkiš žitt žarf aš henda į žig smį spurningum
Įrni J.Elfar.