Author Topic: Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.  (Read 3996 times)

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« on: October 23, 2004, 18:16:27 »
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2004, 18:19:34 »
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2004, 18:46:22 »
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline firebird400

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2004, 19:16:21 »
shit :shock:  hvernig ętli manni lķši ef mašur yrši aš horfa upp į bķlinn sinn brenna :cry:
Agnar Įskelsson

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2004, 21:23:47 »
hķhķ takiš eftir tķmatökubśnašinum :D
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2004, 21:24:57 »
og allir į móti öllum
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2004, 21:26:30 »
14 įra gutti į 7sec (1/8 ) vegu.
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Fannar

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2004, 11:29:44 »
en žetta er kul 8)

en ég myndi ekki leifa 14įra gutta aš keyra svona aflmikiš tęki :?
1994 Nissan Sunny 2.0GT-i (the hnakkmobile) 8)
1993 Nissan Sunny 2,0GT-i ? :?
1993 Nissan Navara King Cap 2,4 8)
1984 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am 5,7 seldur :(

Offline Kiddi

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2004, 11:41:44 »
žręlmagnaš aš sjį žetta...... vęri samt til ķ aš vera meš startiš žeirra :cry:
8.93/154 @ 3650 lbs.

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2004, 22:24:48 »
Quote from: "Kiddi"
žręlmagnaš aš sjį žetta...... vęri samt til ķ aš vera meš startiš žeirra :cry:

Blessašur Kiddi hvaš er svona merkilegt viš žetta start??
Žeir eru margir aš grilla tśtturnar fleiri metra,sé ekki aš žaš sé gęfulegra en okkar.
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Kiddi

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2004, 23:22:31 »
Steipt start en ekkert trakk prep...
8.93/154 @ 3650 lbs.

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2004, 23:28:54 »
Žś meinar žaaaaaaaaš
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline eva racing

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« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2004, 18:02:56 »

  Žetta er ofur. 1 stage ljós og 1 gult.  allir į jöfnu.  OG klukkurnar, mašur lifandi sennilega spķta ķ endann sem togar ķ barka sem slekkur į klukkonum.      
   Og svo "tżpķst" fyrir žessa grķngóa, aš keppa bara į 1/8 bara af žvķ brautirn er ekki samkv. stašli..  Hęnur.

    En steypan er góš, en ekki vęri verra aš hśša hana ašeins.
EVA frv. Racing.
Valur Vķfilsson.
Įšur en yfir lķkur žarf mašur aš: eignast Willys, Zippó,Harley Davidson.
nį 1,05 60 ft.

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2004, 18:30:13 »
Mögnuš NŻJA reglan hjį žeim ķ įr allir undir 8sec verša aš hafa hjįlm hehe,eins og Raggi sagši ķ gęr,žangaš veršur mašur aš kķkja.

This is right out of the horses mouth mr GEORGE RAY starting with the 8.0 class an faster you will wear belts an helmets I spent the last two half days with george talking about this it will be something that we are going to work into you will be told by mouth first by the working crew there will be no excuse later on hes a little upset with what went on he always let everyone use there own judgement about riders an helmets but no longer we have made it 44 years with out a bad accident as far as someone getting hurt if that happens he will shut down . an if you cant go along with this we will miss you an you can always come back to watch but its a done deal signs will be placed at starting line NO RIDERS YOU MUST WEAR A HELMET AN BELTS any questions call charlie george are me
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline eva racing

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gott mįl
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2004, 21:16:43 »

  1/8 drengur 1/8.    hįar 12. sek pr 1/4.
EVA frv. Racing.
Valur Vķfilsson.
Įšur en yfir lķkur žarf mašur aš: eignast Willys, Zippó,Harley Davidson.
nį 1,05 60 ft.

Offline 1965 Chevy II

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Žaš er til verri braut en okkar.
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2004, 21:22:23 »
Ég veit mašur ég veit.Samt magnaš vegna žess aš žaš eru allir į móti öllum ekki bara 8 sec (ég veit enn 1/8 ) saman.
.....and 500 pounds of torque......what ever that is.
1.30 60ft 5.78 @ 119.9mph 1/8 - 9.07 @ 148.2 mph N/A Pump gas

Offline Nóni

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Fleiri bķlar en hér heima...
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2004, 09:20:15 »
Mér sżnist žeir nś eiga töluvert hressa bķla, og alla vega męta žeir į brautina fleiri en viš hérna heima.

Kv. Nóni
Kv. Nóni


Jón Gunnar Kristinsson,
meš SAAB į heilanum.

Betra er aš blįsa en aš sjśga!
SAAB 9000 tśrbó 1987    12.100 @ 115.0