Author Topic: Fyrsta keppni sumarsins  (Read 3455 times)

Offline Seini

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Fyrsta keppni sumarsins
« on: April 08, 2016, 23:49:38 »
Fyrsta keppni ársins (hringakstur/time attack bikarmót) á að vera 16 apríl.
Ég hef hvergi séð almennilegar reglur varðandi þetta time attack
Mér skilst að einn keppandi verði í brautinni í einu og tekin verði tími hans á einum hring.
Það sem mig vantar að vita er: Má nota munsturlausa race slikka eða verður að nota götulögleg dekk, verður tekin einn upphitunar hringur áður en tímatökuhringurinn hefst og síðan byrjað á tímatökuhringnum á rolling start eða standing start
Vona eftir svari sem fyrst.  ](*,)

Offline maggifinn

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Re: Fyrsta keppni sumarsins
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 13:42:14 »
Númeraskilda á götuhjólum?

Offline SPRSNK

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Re: Fyrsta keppni sumarsins
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 21:32:45 »
Almennar reglur til hliðsjónar fyrir hringakstur/Time Attack
 Keppnistæki þurfa vera með skráð VINnúmer eða grindarnúmer AKÍS fyrir sérsmíðuð keppnistæki.
 Keppnistæki þurfa að vera með viðeigandi vátryggingar í gildi.
 Með fyrirvara um frekari breytingar.

Höfum þetta á ensku til að byrja með!

 Always remember Motor Sport Can Be Dangerous
 It makes sense to minimise the risk

When you participate in this event you will be required to sign an indemnity form upon which you make the declaration that the vehicle you are using is in a safe condition for high speed circuit use. Whilst we will not be scrutineering vehicles we always reserve the right to deny circuit access to any vehicle we consider to be a risk to the occupants or other track users.
 Unless your vehicle is a competition vehicle suitably prepped for its class then vehicles should be in a roadworthy condition.
 We suggest that you carry out these few simple checks to make your day safer and everyone elses ultimately more enjoyable. Sort any problems found prior to participating.

 Check fluid levels. & for excessive pedal travel and investigate cause if found.
 Check thickness of linings. If they require renewal it is best to do this well in advance and ensure pads etc are bedded in prior to taking to the circuit.

Suspension, Wheels & Tyres
 Remove wheel trims if fitted.
 Check condition and suitability.
 Check pressures.
 Check wheel nuts are tightened.
 Seats and Seat Belts
 Check condition and that mountings are secure.
 Make sure all occupants know how to adjust these to give maximum safety and comfort.
 Suspension and Steering
 Check suspension for condition and operation.
 Check for play in joints, linkages, bushes etc.
 Investigate any noises or play in wheel bearings.

Engine Bay
 Check Engine Oil and Coolant Fluid levels ( DO NOT OVERFILL)
 Check condition of hoses and pipes.
 Check for and correct fluid leakages.

 Check battery is securely mounted and terminals are covered by an insulating material.
 Check wiring for condition and potential chafing, short circuits etc.
 Check Wipers for condition and operation.
 Check lights for operation. (in dull or wet conditions you may be denied track access if lights do not work).

 Check for and rectify any leaks.
 Check Filler cap for security and seal.
 DO NOT overfill the tank (This is a particular problem with Kit Cars).
 DO NOT underfill the tank ( running out of fuel on circuit will stop that session for everyone and may result in you being denied any further circuit access for the rest of the day).
 Use safe practice if refuelling from cans.
 Only use correct containers for fuel.

 Check Seats and Seat Belts. Mountings and condition.
 Consider if the use of Full Harness Belts is appropriate without full rollover protection.
 Removing the interior is NOT recommended. If it is removed then ALL sharp edges and window mechanisms etc must be covered with impact absorbant material.

 Must be in a sound condition with no sharp edges, obvious corrosion or dangerous protusions. Both internally and externally.
 Roll Over protection is advisable in any vehicle used on a circuit but is strongly recommended for all open top or non permanently fixed roof type vehicles.
 Remove all loose or non-permanently secured objects from the vehicle.Security Devices, Door Locks, Immobilisers etc. Ensure these are set to allow unimpeded use and access to the vehicle whilst in the assembly area or on circuit.
 The carrying of an adequately secured, readily accessible and fully charged “AFFF” type Fire Extinguisher of a minimum 1.75 litres is strongly recommended.
 All limbs should be covered whilst on circuit. Ideally the material worn should be made of tough natural fibres cotton, wool etc. Remember man made fibres unless designed to be flame resistant tend to melt in the event of fire.
 The wearing of flame retardant clothing although not manadatory is strongly recommended.