Author Topic: Bílalyfta / skæralyfta 2800kg 12-120cm  (Read 2043 times)

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Bílalyfta / skæralyfta 2800kg 12-120cm
« on: February 04, 2014, 23:15:36 »
Lítið sem ekkert notuð verð 260 þús kostar ný 384 þús

Skæralyfta 2800kg 12-120cm

Lyftigeta; 2800 kgs
Hámarks lyftihæð; 1200 mm.
Hávaði ; < 70dB
ALoftþrýstingur; 5-10 bar
Lyftitími / Lækkunartími; 20 sekúndur / 30 sekúndur
Mótor; 2.2 Kw- 220 Volt-50Hz / Olíuþrýstingur; 16 Mpa
Hæð ramma; 164 cm. utan / 146 cm. binnen maat
abmessung von der Unterstelle am Grund;
190 x 110 cm.

EXTRA INFO; (20-11-2008)
The mid-rise lift is supplied WITHOUT oil as per customs rule.
Normally to fill up the oil 4/5 tank is ok.
There is simple way to do so.
Fill up the tank to about 4/5 level, and then cover the plug, as long as the plug end touches the oil level, the oil volume is enough.