Author Topic: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 2001 įrg.  (Read 1867 times)

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Toyota Land Cruiser 100 2001 įrg.
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:19:25 »
Er aš selja Land Cruiser 100 įrg. 2001, ekinn um 273žśs km. Bķllinn er ķ mjög góšu įstandi, ljósbrśnt lešur aš innan og į 35" góšum dekkjum.

Allar frekari upplżsingar ķ sķma 867-8444  Róbert eša email

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Pįlmi Alfrešsson
Ford Mustang 1979

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Re: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 2001 įrg.
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 15:28:54 »
Upp meš Toyota  \:D/
Pįlmi Alfrešsson
Ford Mustang 1979

Offline pal

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Re: Toyota Land Cruiser 100 2001 įrg.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2012, 16:32:20 »
Fęrum žennan ešal Land Cruiser upp į topp   \:D/
Pįlmi Alfrešsson
Ford Mustang 1979