Author Topic: Dekkjum og felgum stoliš 08/10/2011 - fundarlaun  (Read 2287 times)

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Dekkjum og felgum stoliš 08/10/2011 - fundarlaun
« on: October 09, 2011, 13:25:21 »
Žessum felgum og dekkjum var stoliš undan bķlnum mķnum ķ nótt ķ Hafnarfirši!
Žetta eru BF Goodrich 295/50/15" dekk og felgurnar mjög breišar jeppafelgur meš 5 gata ford deilingu.
Endilega hafiš opin augun og hringiš ķ alla sem žiš žekkiš eša gętu tengst žessum ašilum ķ undirheimunum.
Fundarlaun ķ boši!!!

Helgi Berg
s: 893 9256

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Re: Dekkjum og felgum stoliš 08/10/2011 - fundarlaun
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 17:50:05 »
undan hvernig bķl var žetta tekiš ?
Viktor Agnar Gušmundsson
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Re: Dekkjum og felgum stoliš 08/10/2011 - fundarlaun
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 19:45:14 »
Tekiš undan žessari Celicu.
Magnśs Siguršsson.
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Re: Dekkjum og felgum stoliš 08/10/2011 - fundarlaun
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 02:00:30 »
Žetta er fundiš.