Kvartmílan > Keppnishald / Úrslit og Reglur

Öryggisreglur NHRA/FIA 2011

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--- Quote from: Lolli DSM on July 13, 2011, 02:36:39 ---Hvernig er það, ætla allir að fara að smíða belly pan eða nota engine diaper?

--- End quote ---

In classes where specified, which must utilize an FIA-accepted lower engine oil retention device, a belly pan may be used in lieu of a device attached to the engine

When required, an SFI Spec 7.1 or 7.2 Lower Engine Containment Device must cover the sides of the block and pan up to within one inch (25.4 mm) of the head mating surface and extend to within 1 1/2 inches (38.1 mm) of the front and rear of the cylinder case area.

 Þessar línur "Where Specified" og "when required" setja þessar kröfur algjörlega í hendur keppnishaldara.


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