Author Topic: 4cyl Scout?  (Read 3022 times)

Offline Smokie

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4cyl Scout?
« on: May 07, 2011, 19:21:36 »
veit einhver hvort žaš hafi veriš einhverjir IH scout hér meš hįlfįttu? held aš 4 cyl vélin hafi ekki mikiš veriš ķ Scout II, heldur ķ Scout 800 eša 80, veit einhver meira um žetta?

Offline palli power

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Re: 4cyl Scout?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 22:10:48 »

Įtti einn svona IH scout  meš hįlfįttu
aš mig minnir įrg 76
žetta var frekar fyndiš aš sjį žessa vél žaš var eins og žeir hefšu tekiš 345 V8 og skoriš ķ sundur langsum  ](*,)
toyota land cruser 100 38tommu
willis įrg 46

Offline Stefįn Mįr Jóhannsson

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Re: 4cyl Scout?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 00:23:30 »
Ekki var žaš nś 345, heldur 304 og 392 sem žeir skįru ķ sundur.

"It is also worth noting that International Harvester was not really geared up for the production of a four cylinder engine, as was seen in the 152 and 196 engines. Consequently, they simply cut off four of the cylinders and sold these two engines as half of the V-304 and half of the V-392. This is why these engines are in an inline, yet slanted formation, half of a V-8. They became small engines with a great deal of torque, excellent cooling because the block was contained water ways originally designed for the larger engines, all while getting quite acceptable fuel economy. The Scouts with the 196 engines easily achieved 20 Mile Per Gallon."
Pontiac Firebird 1984 400cid

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Re: 4cyl Scout?
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 23:41:20 »
Kunningi minn įtti svona Scout, eyddi ef eitthvaš var meira en 8 cyl. En hönnušurnir hjį IH voru ekki aš eyša miklum tķma ķ aš hann nżtt kveikulok.

Žeir tóku bara 8 cyl lokiš og breyttu žvķ smį.
Halldór Jóhannsson

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Re: 4cyl Scout?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 06:14:23 »
Hef nś ekki reynslu af Scout vélum en heyrši aš 345 eyddi benzķni
eins og enginn yrši morgundagurinn #-o
Andrés Gušmundsson

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Offline Halldór Ragnarsson

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Re: 4cyl Scout?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 11:28:15 »
Pontiac gerši žetta lķka viš 389 vélina 1961
Halldór Ragnarsson