Author Topic: ó.e wrangler eša willys cj7  (Read 1436 times)

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ó.e wrangler eša willys cj7
« on: October 27, 2010, 23:16:58 »
óska eftir wrangler eša willys cj7, 36 eša 38" breyttur, Bķllinn veršur aš vera ķ žokkalegu standi ž,e,a,s boddy, grind og hįsingar. mį vera vélarvana..
skoša öll raunhęf tilboš,, stašgreišsla fyrir rétta bķlinn.

Sķmi 8663576 eša ep.
Hlynur žór birgisson
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ford f250 5.4 D '74
bronco/wyllis 351w“66 eilifšarverkefni.
toyota landcruiser 60 D '85
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The last one to die is a pussy