Author Topic: Pontiac GTO. 1966  (Read 10486 times)

Offline kiddi63

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Pontiac GTO. 1966
« on: March 28, 2010, 14:33:10 »
Žessi er ķ uppgerš ķ Keflavķk, ég veit sama og ekkert um hann.
Kannski einhver geti frętt okkur hérna.

Kristinn Eyjólfsson (Kiddi63)   s:8486593
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Offline Moli

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 14:38:11 »
Er žetta ekki '66 LeMans sem er bśinn aš vera ķ vinnslu sl. įr sušur meš sjó og meš grindinni śr "brekkulat"?
Magnśs Siguršsson.
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Offline kiddi63

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 14:43:03 »
Ég skal ekki segja, žaš var talaš um aš žetta vęri GTO,
Kristinn Eyjólfsson (Kiddi63)   s:8486593
K.E.Flutningar ehf
Bķladellan bjargaši mér frį helv bolta-óreglunni.
Mitsubishi Sigma 1993 v-6 3000 - Grand Cherokee 1995. 6cyl 4.0 L
Yamaha fj 1200. įrg 1989

Offline Gummari

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 14:50:36 »
žaš hefur žį gleymst aš setja į hann GTO afturljósa panel žvķ aš žessi į myndunum er le mans style  :roll:
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Offline kiddi63

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 14:59:57 »
OK, ég jįta mistök mķn  :D
Ég lżg žvķ sem aš mér er logiš.
Er flottur er hann nś samt blessašur bķllinn.
Kristinn Eyjólfsson (Kiddi63)   s:8486593
K.E.Flutningar ehf
Bķladellan bjargaši mér frį helv bolta-óreglunni.
Mitsubishi Sigma 1993 v-6 3000 - Grand Cherokee 1995. 6cyl 4.0 L
Yamaha fj 1200. įrg 1989

Offline Moli

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2010, 15:37:09 »
Gaman aš sjį aš žaš eru enn nokkrir sem gefast ekkert upp viš aš gera upp bķla žrįtt fyrir hįtt gengi dollars, annars flottur bķll!  8-)
Magnśs Siguršsson.
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Offline Sęvar Pétursson

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2010, 17:41:29 »
Žetta er “66 Le Mans. Jś žaš er rétt grindin er śr Brekkulat. Žaš er til nż frambretti og GTO hśdd. Flest allt til ķ žennan bķl. Bśiš aš setja ķ hann Wilwood diskabremsur allann hringinn. Hann veršur flottur.
Sęvar Pétursson

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2010, 18:04:01 »
Spurning hvort Brekkulats nafniš fylgji ekki meš žessari 326 CID  :wink:

Agnar Įskelsson

Offline Viddi

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2010, 20:29:49 »
žessi 326 į ekki eftir aš vera žarna lengi. :D
Višar Andrésson

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2010, 21:25:14 »
og hvernig rokk į aš setja ķ gulliš 
valdimar bjarni gušmundsson
caprice 83 ķ hvķld
pontiac lemans 70

Offline Viddi

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2010, 23:27:27 »
Žaš er ekki alveg komiš į hreint en žaš er veriš aš skoša žetta.
Višar Andrésson

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2010, 13:20:22 »
what I would do to get this car. My dad has a 66 goat 389 with three dueces and growing up with it, it became my dream car. even though this is lemans its better than a tempest and not hard to make it a GTO. Even then before this they were known as LeMans GTO.

Offline Viddi

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Re: Pontiac GTO. 1966
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2010, 14:08:42 »
This car is for sale. here is a link :
Višar Andrésson