Author Topic: Ford ranger supercap 35''  (Read 4330 times)

Offline hillbilly

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Ford ranger supercap 35''
« on: March 17, 2010, 23:51:40 »
Ford ranger supercap

Litur: svartur spruatašur 2004
Aflgjafi: Bensķn
Vélarstęrš: 4L v6
Drif: 4x4 hi/low afturhjoladrifin
Skipting: Sjalfskiftur
skošun : er skošašur 11 fór i skošun fyriri 2 vikum 
faržegar : hann er 5 manna bekkur frammķ og 2 sęti aftur ķ

Bķllin var allur tekin i gegn įriš 2004 mótor allveg endurnyjašur og bķllin sprautašur svartur , er breyttur fyriri 35'' er į fķnum bfg muddterrain ,neldum,.mikiš buiš aš endurnyja i honum žaš sem er nytt er, allir spindlar hjolalega handbremsu barkar rafgeymir  allt i aftur bremsum .er nż buinn aš skifta um skiftingu i bķlnum skiftingin kemur śr explorer 92  og var tekinn i gegn įriš 98 og er buiš aš keyra hana um 160ž sišann, var į verkstęši um daginn var skift um pakkdósir ofl i skifinguni ny olķa og sķa, hann er meš cd(mp3) og cb stöš .og margt fleira

verš 500ž eša tilboš sammt ekki einvhaš bull
skipti : einungis į hjóli
og žį ktm ekki undir 250cc

Raggi s:6162591

myndir inn į :
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 08:12:04 »
geggjašur hjola bķll
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 13:36:16 »
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 13:10:17 »
fęst meš góšum stgr afslętti
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 00:07:41 »
jafnvel til i aš taka utanboršsmótor upp ķ ekki undir 40ho
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 13:28:08 »
........ :)
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 03:44:38 »
fęst į žrusu góšu stgr verši ;)
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 23:45:08 »
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur

Offline hillbilly

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Re: Ford ranger supercap 35''
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2010, 22:01:24 »
drive it like you stole it   

camaro 84
chevrolet c 1500  88 seldur
chevrolet k1500 91  seldur
ktm 450 exc   06
malibu flame 79 seldur