Datt í hug að setja þetta hérna ef það er einhverjum sem langar að fræðast örlítið um mjög sérstakan amerískan smábíl sem hefði orðið öflugri og ódýrari en Corvette ef framleiðslu hefði ekki verið hætt.
John DeLorean byrjaði fyrstur á hönnun bílsins en síðar þá tók Hulki Aldikacti við og kláraði hönnun bílsins.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Fierohttp://www.fierofocus.com/articles/art-fiero-history.html1989 Pontiac FieroThe never built 1989 Fiero. This car has been seen at a few major shows, sparking much interest. With it's newly designed body breaking away from the earlier ones, it would have been a major hit. A lot of design influence is found in the Fourth generation Camaro/Firebird. Other engine packages were proposed, right up to a factory installed V8 that is rumored to have been seen at a test track. This particular model came equipped with a turbocharged V6 engine making 205HP.
It would have been faster, quicker, better handling, and cheaper than the "flagship" Corvette. This is probably a large reason why the line was killed off (some of this has been confirmed by people talking to Hulki at the 20th anniversary reunion meet). The 1989 prototypes were very unique, almost space age, and definitely ahead of their time. In fact, the whole Pontiac Fiero, from day one was ahead of its time. How do we know this? Well, the Fiero is as alive today as it has ever been, and although not quite "rare" yet, they will get there.