Kvartmķlan > Bķlarnir og Gręjurnar
Brotiš drifskaft getur skemmt andskoti mikiš..
1965 Chevy II:
Hann var aš prufa nķtró og skiptingin lęsti 2 og 3 gķr saman.
Ha,en žaš er gķrkassi žarna aftan į vélinni.
Kv.Gisli Sveinss
1965 Chevy II:
Jį žetta sagši hann,aš hann hefši fest saman 2-3.
1965 Chevy II:
"I'm not really sure. It was the first time spraying the 340. I put a 200 shot to it. My initial thought was that because it happened when I shifted from 2nd to 3rd and let the clutch out the mechanism fucked up and it was stuck in both gears.
It was a cut down drive shaft from a 3/4 dodge truck...."
1965 Chevy II:
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