Author Topic: Mothers og 1Z ...  (Read 3604 times)

Offline bæzi

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Mothers og 1Z ...
« on: August 25, 2008, 22:52:18 »
Bónval hafa fært staðsetningu sína á Bílasöluna Höfðabílar Fosshálsi 27 110RVK

ATH:::::::    Bónval er búið að loka búð sinni í Súðavogi.

Höfðabílar er opið Mánudaga-Föstudaga frá kl. 10.00-18.00
og Laugardaga frá kl. 12.00-16.00

Nóg úrval.......

........ fullt af fínu dóti, m.a Bón GLANZ WAX (Hart glans) sem er sér hannað fyrir íslenskar aðstæður

" Glanz Wax is an advanced synthetic wax formula utilizing the latest in German polymers for exceptional long-lasting protection with a high gloss finish. Protects paintwork for up to six months from harsh environmental influences such as soot, acid rain, UV rays, sap, bird droppings, car washes, road and ocean airborne salt. Can be applied in temperatures as low as 0 degrees F for winter protection. Abrasive-free formula is for use on all paintwork finishes.

For over 50 years, Glanz Wax has been the go-to car wax for European enthusiasts and, since its introduction a few years ago, North American automotive enthusiasts. Durable to last for months, it withstands aggressive washing at carwashes and, for cold regions, is road salt resistant."

Og svo auðvitað fullt af hinu geysivinsæla Deitail-Sprayi

her er smá lesning um það:

"Clean, shine, and protect with Eeinszett’s cutting edge polymer formula.
1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ restores a just-waxed finish in just minutes! Using state-of-the-art German polymer technology, 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ adds durability and shine any time it’s needed. Spray it over the existing wax to see an instant improvement in gloss, and a long-term improvement in paint protection.

Enjoy an exceptional gloss anywhere, any time! 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ cleans and protects paintwork between washings with a dust-repellant polymer formula. The polymers bond to the existing wax to boost protection, slickness, and gloss. By reducing surface tension, 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ repels dust and keeps your vehicle cleaner longer.

Use 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ as a gentle quick detailer. The slick formula safely lifts light dirt and dust, fingerprints, smudges, soot, and bird droppings, without scratching. For the best results, use a microfiber towel with a deep, plush nap.

1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ is a multi-surface instant detailer. Use it on paint, including clear coats, glass, chrome and other metals, and plastics. The safe and gentle formula will remove light contamination while imparting a lasting, protective coat of polymers.
For the best results, use 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ over 1Z Einzett Glanz Wax (pearls-shampoo). The 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ will restore the shine of Glanz Wax between details, and it will not remove or cloud the wax. The two products work hand in hand to give your vehicle a dazzling shine and excellent protection

Use 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ any time your vehicle seems to be losing its luster or water is not beading as well. 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ will restore maximum gloss and water repellency in just minutes. Mist the paint and gently wipe with a Microfiber Towel. Work from the top of the vehicle, down. The lower panels are the dirtiest and should always be detailed last to avoid cross contamination.

For instant gratification and lasting protection, use 1Z Einszett Detail Spray ‘Lackfinish’ any time to restore your vehicle’s gloss."

ofl. ofl.....

Endilega kíkið við hjá okkur Höfðabílum Fosshálsi 27
s 8982832
sendum einnig út á land
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 12:24:41 by bæzi »
Bæring Jón Skarphéðinsson 

Corvette c5 50th Anniversary 2003 LS2 404ci

1/4 10.8@132 1/8 6.99@103 60ft N/A (All motor on 98okt)

1/4 10.01@147.5 1/8 6.49@116 60ft  - no traction með Nítróið... :)

Offline bæzi

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Re: Bónval Nýr opnunartími ofl.......!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 10:36:54 »
Minni á Nýja staðsetningu

Höfðabílar Fosshálsi 27

kv bæzi
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 14:01:52 by bæzi »
Bæring Jón Skarphéðinsson 

Corvette c5 50th Anniversary 2003 LS2 404ci

1/4 10.8@132 1/8 6.99@103 60ft N/A (All motor on 98okt)

1/4 10.01@147.5 1/8 6.49@116 60ft  - no traction með Nítróið... :)

Offline bæzi

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Re: Bónval Nýr opnunartími ofl.......!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 14:02:28 »
Glanz Wax is an advanced synthetic wax formula utilizing the latest in German polymers for exceptional long-lasting protection with a high gloss finish. Protects paintwork for up to six months from harsh environmental influences such as soot, acid rain, UV rays, sap, bird droppings, car washes, road and ocean airborne salt. Can be applied in temperatures as low as 0 degrees F for winter protection. Abrasive-free formula is for use on all paintwork finishes.

Bæring Jón Skarphéðinsson 

Corvette c5 50th Anniversary 2003 LS2 404ci

1/4 10.8@132 1/8 6.99@103 60ft N/A (All motor on 98okt)

1/4 10.01@147.5 1/8 6.49@116 60ft  - no traction með Nítróið... :)