Kvartmķlan > Ford

žyngd 250 ford


Heišar Broddason:
Sęlir getiši sagt mér hvaš Ford 250 7,3 power stroke meš einu og hįlfu hśsi og styšstu gerš af palli er žungur, getur veriš aš land crusier 80 sé žyngri

kv Heišar


--- Quote from: kymco on December 01, 2008, 19:45:23 ---Sęlir getiši sagt mér hvaš Ford 250 7,3 power stroke meš einu og hįlfu hśsi og styšstu gerš af palli er žungur, getur veriš aš land crusier 80 sé žyngri

kv Heišar

--- End quote ---
check the drivers door jamb GVWR=Gross Vehicle Weight Rating

GVWR is actually the vehicle's maximum loaded capacity. A 1995 F250 HD 2wd, reg cab LB, 5.8 L weighs about 3750 lbs.. with OEM rims, tires, and about 40L gas. no accessories. just had it weighed yesterday. The GVWR for it is 9000 lbs..Žś gętir leitaš hér hugsanlega  WikiAnswers - How much does a ford F-250 4x4 diesel truck weigh Kv. Siggi


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