Kvartmķlan > Ford

Obsidian CoupeR

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er mera fyrir GM og skoša og hef greinlega ekki skoša nogu marga forda til aš sjį allt sem Fordmen nota ķ huddinu  :D

Einar K. Möller:
Quote af annari sķšu:

In the new Hot Rod mag, there is a 67 stang that took 1.3 mil to build. They take it out and it overheats, blows goo and the shifter is jacked.

I'd be pretty pissed if I spent 1.3 mil on a Ford!!

Have you driven a Ford lately??


I saw the article. Even if the entire trunk on that piece of crap was full of crack, it would not be worth $1.3 mil. It was downright UGLY. He ruined a nice looking 'Stang.

Eins var talaš um aš žetta vęri žvķlķkt illa smķšaš og aš innréttingin vęri lķklegast keypt śr JC Whitney.

Ég veit ekki alveg tilganginn meš žessum intercoolerum žarna žvķ žeir gera nįkvęmlega ekkert gagn ķ žessari stašsetningu meš žetta hśdd.

Sammįla sķšasta ręšumanni žaš leikur lķtiš loft um žessa coolera :roll:

Sonny Crockett:
VĮĮ !!!

Getur einhver sagt mér hvaša vél er ķ žessu ?


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