Author Topic: MSD Digital-7 "UPPSELT"  (Read 3626 times)

Offline Bílabúð Benna

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    • Bílabúð Benna
MSD Digital-7 "UPPSELT"
« on: September 05, 2008, 16:47:41 »
MSD Digital-7 Programmable.

Tilboðsverð: 66.039kr

Í innkaupum í dag kostar þetta box um 200þús. kr.


The new MSD Programmable Didigtal-7 Ignition Control is far and above the most advanced ignition control available! With MSD's race winning experience and performance ignition knowledge the Programmable Digital-7 is the ignition control. No other ignition system comes close to matching the output power and the individual Cylinder Management timing system of the Programmable Ignition. To effectively handle all of the the ignition's tasks, a 15 Megahertz microcontroller, analyzes every trigger signal.

This microcontroller reviews and manages up to 15, 000,000 instructions each second! Capacitive discharge circuits combined with an IGBT Coil driver deliver an incredible power to the coil creating a spark that can easily handle high cylinder pressures. Below 3,300 there is of course MSD's powerful series of multiple sparks. This spark series burns in the cylinder for over 20 degrees of crankshaft rotation resulting in improved combustion for a smooth idle, great throttle response and increased power.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 14:57:37 by Bílabúð Benna »
Vagnhöfða 23.  S: 590-2000.