Author Topic: gamlir gómar?  (Read 2128 times)

Offline maggifinn

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gamlir gómar?
« on: December 20, 2007, 21:47:35 »
ţađ var gamall 327 sem sló í gegn í EMC nú á dögunum. skorađi nćrri 2300 stig
 stock sveifarás, stock stangir og gömlu tveggja búngu heddin

Offline stigurh

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gamlir gómar?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 07:51:15 »
Ţessi stendur fyrir sínu....Líka gamall gómur

Final Score - 2329.6 @ 335 CI

Hot Heads / GAP brought an early Chrysler 331 Hemi based entry, the first engine of this type we have ever seen at an Engine Masters Competition. With the open cubes lending to diverse engine types the early Hemi was just the kind of unusual iron we hoped to see. Anyone knows this old iron can make awesome power, and these guys are truly experts with these engines. The engine showed complete Composure during the warm-up pulls, matched only by the composure of the team in the tuning phase. A jet change brought power up further, bringing the unusual engine well into first place at the first day ofqualifying.

Offline maggifinn

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gamlir gómar?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 08:01:17 »
Mér finnst ţetta snilld, međ svona grams og ná svona langt..

 ţyrfti ađ vera líka ađ vera tekiđ tillit til hp-tq per dollar. loksins komnar vélar í ţessa keppni sem eru raunhćfar.
 Las einhversstađar líka ađ vćntanleg vćri keppni fyrir vélar framleiddar fyrir 1955.