Author Topic: subaru túrbína spísar og bensíndćla wrx/sti(NX nitro kúta)  (Read 1944 times)

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ég hef til sölu túrbínu úr subaru hún er ný hún heitir IHI VF30
hérna er info um hana:

Factory turbo out of breath? The VF30, like its sibling the VF22, is an IHI turbocharger that bolts on the WRX directly in place of the factory Mitsubishi-made turbo, for a simple, but extremely effective, upgrade.

Compared to the VF22, the VF30 has slightly less top-end power. It makes up for this by having better low-end spool-up, so boost will kick in faster than the VF22.

As with many upgrade turbos, you will sacrifice some low-end compared to the OEM turbo. But the top-end is almost as good as the VF22 -- we've seen as much as 270 wheel horsepower (figure at least 340 at the crank) with this turbo.

As with most turbo upgrades, you should have proper supporting modifications before you bolt it on, including boost control, upgraded intercooler, and full intake and exhaust upgrades.

Svo hef ég til sölu:
STI 550cc Injectors WRX UpGrade ţetta er sett
Upgrade your fuel system with these genuine STI Injectors.

We Recomend you upgrade your fuel pump to supply the injectors with more fuel.

They are 550cc and will improve your fuel delivery for high safe horsepower.

Great upgrade for your WRX engine.

Svo er ţađ síđasta WALBRO 255 fuel pump.  

Allt saman fer ţetta á 130.000- ég er til í ađ skipta ţessu á slettu af orginal subaru felgum međ vetrardekkjum og ţá góđum dekkjum.

annars bara tilbođ.

Frekaru upplýsingar í síma 868-7308 eđa pm Ívar

Svo ef eitthver lumar á NX 10punda nítró kútum tómum má hann/hún hafa samband viđ mig
Ívar Björgvinsson 868-7308