Author Topic: Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video  (Read 2332 times)

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« on: October 14, 2007, 13:36:17 »
Tim Lynch fer 6.57 @ 231mph, 1.14 60ft (framhjólin allann tķmann į lofti) 3000lbs į 10.5" slikkum, 640+ cid Twin Turbo.
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!

Offline siggiandri

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 16:57:25 »
Lynch is the MAN

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 17:05:26 »
Bara geggjaš dęmi žarna... višstaddir sögšu aš rönniš hefši samt veriš "slęmt".... pjśra gešveiki... veršur gaman aš sjį hann ķ Orlando.
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!

Offline siggiandri

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2007, 17:18:43 »
Ja hann, Billy Glidden, Dan Millen og fleiri goda Ford menn lol. Tessi 10,5 flokkur er bara klikkun a ad horfa (hvad ta ad keyra).    Kvedja Siggiandri

Offline siggiandri

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2007, 17:25:45 »
Annars er Glidden alltaf godur, hann er ad keyra med small block ford einn blondung+nitro, og hefur verid oft i haum sex sec.  Ja godur er hann smallblock fordinn hehehe

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 01:39:37 »
Hann gerši betur og vann E-Town Shakedown nśna.. fór 6.53... žetta er BILUN.
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!

Offline siggiandri

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2007, 01:59:18 »
Djo.... nagar madur sig nuna i handarbondin ad hafa ekki verid tarna, Englishtown er kannski i 6-7 tima keyrslu fra mer og vorum vid brodir bunir ad plana ferd tangad, en hatti vid i gar,svonerretta lol, kvedja siggiandri   ps. afsakid skriftina nenni ekki ad fynna isl. forrit fyrir lyklabordid.

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2007, 02:00:46 »
Nś er bara aš plana ferš og hitta okkur bjįnana į Orlando Speeworld  :wink:
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!

Offline siggiandri

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Can you say GEŠVEIKI !!!!! Linkur į video
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2007, 02:58:06 »
Ja attli madur endi ekki i orlando, ekki verra ad hitta isbirni i leidinni, getur sent mer email .Gaman ef vid hittumst ef vid erum a somu keppni.