Author Topic: motorworld @ iceland  (Read 3646 times)

Offline ljotikall

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pontiac = Poor old nigger thinks its a cadillac.
kvešja Gušjón Jónsson

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motorworld @ iceland
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2007, 21:31:49 »
flottur žįttur, var aš einmitt aš leita aš honum um daginn..

Besti tķmi ķ kvartmķlu. 10,697  60ft. 1,543  hraši. 114,5mph
Besti tķmi ķ 1/8. 6,526  60ft. 1,865  hraši. 117,5
Besti tķmi ķ sandi 4,762

Kvešja, Stefįn Steinžórsson
sķmi: 866-9282   e-mail:

Offline TONI

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« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2007, 21:43:54 »
Kominn ašeins til įra sinna :D  gaman aš žessu samt sem įšur.

Offline Damage

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motorworld @ iceland
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2007, 23:28:47 »
haha fann žetta į vhs um daginn
e-š sem gamli karlinn į
1992 Toyota Mr2 Turbo 3S-GTE

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motorworld @ iceland
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 18:13:32 »
klassķskur geggjašur žįttur, takk fyrir aš setja hann inn.