Author Topic: 2x 1967 Plymouth Valiant  (Read 1597 times)

Offline Einar K. Möller

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2x 1967 Plymouth Valiant
« on: June 03, 2007, 17:22:40 »
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1967 Plymouth Valiant 100
2-Dyra, Línusexa,

1967 Plymouth Valiant 200
4-Dyra, Línusexa, Fer í gang og keyrir.

4-Dyra bíllinn væri fullkominn kanditat í ağ gera 2-dyra bílinn upp í töff götugræju. Einnig MIKILL SLATTI af pörtum, mikiğ af nıjum t.d stuğarar o.fl.

Fást báğir saman á 80 şús. stgr.

Uppl. í síma 845-3339 / 581-4191 eğa email:
2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!