Author Topic: 1985-1994 service engine ljós  (Read 2545 times)

Offline valurcaprice

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1985-1994 service engine ljós
« on: April 25, 2007, 23:30:45 »
Ef að service engine ljósið er kveikt hjá ykkur þá er hérna góð leið til að komast að því hvað er að með einni bréfaklemmu :D

1985-1994 Full Size GM vehicle, Service Engine Soon Diagnosis.
    People may think that if the Service Engine Soon lamp is glowing on their car, then that means that they must take their car in to a car dealership, or a mechanic to figure out what is wrong with it.  This is not true.  I will be showing you how to pull codes from the computer on your car, yourself!

The first thing you need to do, is to find the ALCL link (otherwise known as The Assembly Line Communications Link).  On 1985, through 1991 GM cars, this is usually located just below the area where your radio is.  It's inset from the black, sound insulation panel (above where your feet are in your car).  On newer vehicles (older than 1994 though) you most likely find the connector right below the steering column!  

This is what the connector looks like:  Below the connector, are descriptions of what each port is used for.


A- Ground
B- Diagnostic Terminal
C- A.I.R. (if used)
D Service Engine Soon Lamp Illumination      
E-Serial Data (special tool required)
F- TCC (if used)
G-Fuel Pump

Now, to pull codes from your vehicle, you will need to make a little jumper (I use a paper clip) and connect the ports A, and B.  This will set the computer into a self-diagnostic cycle.  You will hear the fans under the hood turn on, if you are succesful.  Also, the codes that you are wanting to pull in the first place, will be flashed using the "Service Engine Soon"  lamp.

The First Code that you will see, will be a code 12.  This code is only to show you that you have sucessfuly sent the computer into its diagnostic cycle.  The Code 12 will be repeated 3 times.  after code 12 has been repeated 3 times, there will be a long pause, (approx 5 seconds) if there are any other codes, then they will be displayed.  If there are not any more codes, then the computer will flash the code 12 again

Code 12
1 flash, pause, 2 flashes

This Code will flash whenever the diagnostic terminal is grounded with the ignition switch turned on and the engine is not running.

Code 13
1 flash, pause 3 flashes

Oxygen Sensor
Check the wiring and connectors from the oxygen sensor.  Replace the oxygen sensor

Code 14
1 flash, pause, 4 flashes

Coolant Sensor Circuit
(high temperature)
If the engine is experiencing overheating problems, have those fixed before continuing.  Check all wiring and connectors associated with the coolant temperature sensor.  Replace the Coolant temperature sensor.

Code 15
1 flash, pause, 5 flashes

Coolant Sensor Circuit
(low temperature)
See above, then check wiring connections at the ECM

Code 16
1 flash, pause, 6 flashes

System High Voltage
If the voltage is above 17.1 volts for more than 2 seconds, the Service Engine Soon light will illuminate.  Have the charging system checked

Code 21
2 flashes, pause, 1 flash

Throttle Position Sensor
Check for a sticking, or mis-adjusted throttle position sensor

Code 22
2 flashes, pause, 2 flashes

Throttle Position Sensor
check TPS adjustment.  Replace the TPS sensor

Code 23
2 flashes, pause, 3 flashes

Manifold Air Temperature
Check the MAT sensor, wiring, and connectors for a possible open circuit.  replace the MAT sensor

Code 24
2 flashes, pause, 4 flashes

Vehicle Speed Sensor
This code can only appear when the vehicle is in motion, if it appears when the car is not in motion, ignore it.  Check ECM connections, any other problems should be diagnosed by a qualified mechanic.

Code 25
2 flashes, pause, 5 flashes

Manifold Air Temperature
Check the voltage between the MAT sensor and the ECM.  voltage should be above 4 volts

Code 26
2 flashes, pause, 6 flashes

Quad Driver Circuit
Have the car checked by a dealer

Code 27
2 flashes, pause, 7 flashes

Gear switch Diagnosis
Have the car checked by a dealer

Code 28
2 flashes, pause, 8 flashes

Same as code 27

Code 29
2 flashes, pause, 9 flashes

Same as code 27

Code 31
3 flashes, pause, 1 flash

Park/nuetral switch
Check all connectors, and for a faulty switch

Code 32
3 flashes, pause 2 flashes

EGR System
Check vacuum hoses and connections for leaks and restrictions.  Replace the EGR solenoid or valve

Code 33
3 flashes, pause, 3 flashes

MAF Sensor
Have the mass air flow sensor replaced

Code 34
3 flashes, pause, 4 flashes

MAF Sensor
Check for loose or damaged air duct, misadjusted minimum idle speed and cacuum leaks.  Inspect the MAF sensor
and the electrical connections

Code 38
3 flashes, pause, 8 flashes

Brake Input Circuit
Check brake light switch connections, adjust OR replace switch

Code 39
3 flashes, pause, 9 flashes

Torque Converter Clutch
Check ECM connections, check for faulty Torque Conver Clutch solenoid

Code 41
3 flashes, pause, 1 flash

Cam Sensor
Check for faulty connections, or a faulty cam sensor.  Maybe also indicate a problem with the vehicle's timing chain.

Code 42
4 flashes, pause, 2 flashes

Electronic Spark Timing
check for faulty connections, or a faulty ignition module

Code 43
4 flashes, pause, 3 flashes

Electronic Spark Control
Check for a faulty knock sensor, or Mem-Cal

Code 44
4 flashes, pause, 4 flashes

Lean Exhaust
Check the ECM wiring connections.  Check for vacuum leaks at the hoses and intake manifold gasket

Code 45
4 flashes, pause, 5 flashes

Rich Exhaust
Check the evaporative charcoal canister and its components for the presence of fuel

Code 46
4 flashes, pause, 6 flashes

Power Steering pressure switch
Check for faulty connections, or a faulty switch

Code 48
4 flashes, pause 8 flashes

Misfire Diagnosis
Check the ignition and fuel systems

Code 51
5 flashes, pause, 1 flash

Prom or Mem-Cal
Make sure the MEM-Cal or prom is properly installed in the ECM.  Replace Mem-Cal or prom

Code 52
5 flashes, pause, 2 flashes

Check the Cal-Pak to insure properation.  replace the Cal-Pak

Code 55
5 flashes, pause, 5 flashes

Check for faulty connections.  Replace the ECM

Code 63
6 flashes, pause, 3 flashes

EGR Flow Check
Have vehicle serviced by a dealer

Code 64
6 flashes, pause, 4 flashes

Same as Code 63

Code 65
6 flashes, pause, 5 flashes

Same as Code 63
Valur kristinsson
Jeep Cherokee - 1993 - seldur
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Caprice classic - 1989 TIL SÖLU

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1985-1994 service engine ljós
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 00:37:05 »
Kallast að flassa kóðann er frá  86-93 í Camaro/Pontiac líka
Heddportun og Vélabreytingar
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Ari Gislason

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1985-1994 service engine ljós
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 02:26:40 »
á þetta ljós bara ekki að vera í öllum amerísku :lol:

Offline valurcaprice

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1985-1994 service engine ljós
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2007, 13:23:35 »
á þetta ljós bara ekki að vera í öllum amerísku

bíst nú við að þetta ljós sé í flestum amerískum og fleiri bílum, þíðir samt ekki að þessi aðferð virki líka í þeim bílum. :roll:
Valur kristinsson
Jeep Cherokee - 1993 - seldur
Audi 100 - 1990 - TIL SÖLU
Caprice classic - 1989 TIL SÖLU